The people who are asking about gaffertape are asking the wrong questions. Instead they should ask themselves how can this rot be cleared before it becomes incurable. Why should a small coterie of people monopolize the hiring and selection process? Why should a coach, payed exorbitantly, spend holidays when he should be spotting talents? Why should he leave the job of scouting to some worthless people? Why AIFF cannot make the coach accountable despite burning their pocket for him. If the people in power answer these questions, they would never need to know who gaffertape is
his twitter handle has very very very very less followers compared to FB
I just said I don't know that much !! Then they said show wrote i said gaffertape .they said who is he ? I said gaffertape only ..
inside news :- There are moves to seek apology from IFN or file a defamation case.