One Nation One League: I-League-ISL Merger



  • munna219777munna219777 28557 Points
    edited May 2017
    A small sample does not represent the wishes of each and every fan. 67% of 183 fans which participated in that particular twitter poll !!!!!  122 people

    AFC regulations are there for a reason. Lets see what happens in coming days.
  • goalkeepargoalkeepar Turkish occupied Cyprus30016 Points
    All the followers are not mohun began fans. the people asking to buy bid are mostly fake ids planted by img-r
    BrainFallINDIAmunna219777karenesudhakar2050Deb_Bansamdeepak dedhaDXindianFootballFanashindiadeepakcand 1 other.
  • deepak dedhadeepak dedha Ghar2914 Points
    No they are fake ids planted by Mohun Bagan so that they can say they want to go with public decision(without making fool of themselves) and will place a bid for ISL franchise.
  • samsam 16691 Points
    This illegal ranting won't have any meaning anymore when ISL clubs will be allowed in Super Cup which will have an AFC spot. Dude, if AFC is gonna recognize them, our voice doesn't matter much. Does it? 
    deepak dedhaDeb_Ban
  • ArsenalFan700ArsenalFan700 Reddit13655 Points
    I take the people liking that comment from goalkeepar to be desperate
    goalkeeparThe real AGmohammed_87hassanshubham_northeasternatuljgmunna219777Deb_BanashindiaCarbon_14
  • DXDX 4074 Points
    The least is some of the guys here who still hold on to sick league can do is to STFU and let things happen  and admit they were in a utopian world.

    the writing on the wall of killing the terminal patient called I-league since 2012. 
  • BrainFallINDIABrainFallINDIA India7532 Points
    i suggest you guys to open twitter and go to the above mentioned page , you will get to know the seriousness of this issue . 
    I've got a doubt btw , MB and EB fans hate their mangement . So why are they worried about IMG taking over their club and making it actually professional ?
  • munna219777munna219777 28557 Points
     There is confusion out there in the minds of many fans. The same MB fan twitter which organised poll of 67 % of 183 fans had many people asking questions such that 1) I-league will become 2nd division 2) AFC recognising ISL 3) ISL given slot at ACL playoff . Fans are becoming confused between Playoffs which AFC conduct to play in ACL or AFC Cup and so called playoffs in Super Cup between I-league and ISL. Even that is not confirmed.
  • munna219777munna219777 28557 Points
     What is Professional?
    1) Being not recognised by AFC is Professional?
    2) Not fulfilling any criteria (national or AFC) is Professional?
    3) Instead of following FIFA rules, a weird 2 member committee of Kiran More and a retired Judge and sitting for 6 months to make some Fine which nobody pays is Professional?
    4) Not paying salary for months (Kerala Blasters) without any punishment for club management is professional?
    5) Playing everyday in a league is professional? That too with retired !!!!
    6) Fake owners   Cricketers/bollywood is Professional???

    IMG will take over MB, EB and make them what? Professional?
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] 4984 Points
    we all are discussing same points again and again... guys lets wait till official announcement on 24th (nothing is final as of now)
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