One Nation One League: I-League-ISL Merger



  • goalkeepargoalkeepar Turkish occupied Cyprus30016 Points
    @Snep I totally agree with, look above at the Legacy fan how he is vomiting the truth of his Bengali culture of backstabbing.
  • SnepSnep 277 Points
    @EastBengalPride This is exactly my point. East Bengal is an amateur club with amateur fans. Now let me remind you of your club's achievements. It has won a total of 0 titles since i-League started. whereas Churchill Brothers have won 2 titles and Minerva has won 1 title. Also, East Bengal backstabbed existing I-League clubs by trying to cut a deal with so-called ISL whores (your words). So what does that makes your club, PIMP? Grow up. East Bengal has won ZERO titles so stop overestimating your clubs worth. East Bengal is just a glorified amateur club with ZERO titles to its name even after spending lots of money at buying good players and making them look like shit players. East Bengal has ZERO contribution to Indian football. In fact, I would say it because of the clubs like East Bengal Indian football is suffering from such a long time. East Bengal should just stick to playing in Bengal local leagues because you can't compete even in the i-league second division.
  • goalkeepargoalkeepar Turkish occupied Cyprus30016 Points
    I and 70% of this forum totally agree with you. Thanks for having guts to speak the truth.
  • EastBengalPrideEastBengalPride India9305 Points
    edited July 2019
    @snep Shows your knowledge about Indian football, thanks for lifting up any doubt with that comment. Clubs like East Bengal doesn't need an ISL to survive. Neither East Bengal's contribution past and present be quantified by I-League wins, just paid up Reliance generated news. Quess did have a few meetings with FSDL, however they refused to pay 15 crore franchise fee for a product which is unviable and already proven to be a failure. 
    Btw, Churchil, Dempo, Salgaocar, etc all the I-League winners, where are they now? And time and circumstances would dictate where East Bengal plays, not by your talking out of the ass comments. 

    @goalkeepar Do cheer for Sporting, Dempo, Salgaocar, Vasco in the next I-League/ISL. Oh wait..! And don't comment on the Bengali culture, a retort would not be nice to read for anyone, specially the "Goans". 
  • thebeautifulgamethebeautifulgame Durgapur,India30826 Points
    @Admin, Please edit/remove some of these comments

    Let's stick to posts relevant to this thread. Also, the bitterness started because of the article by Goal shared by @Snep which is patently untrue. As @samyajit said, EB and MB have been on fault on many occasions but not this time. Ajit Isaac did have one or two meetings with AIFF/FSDL but he did not agree to play the ISL because he found it an unfeasible business proposition. Ditto for MB. Ever since the, AIFF has tried to mislead the public through its mouthpieces, mainly Goal that EB and MB are the major players who sabotaged the AIFF's proposition of making ISL: the top league only because they themselves failed to cut a deal with AIFF/FSDL. So how are we arguing on the basis of an article which itself has no credibility?

    Remember, these are testing times for Indian football. Those who are trying to break the backbone of Indian football want us to do exactly this: fight between ourselves so that they can push their agenda forward. Remember, IFN is one of the most important football platforms in India and is followed by a lot of people, both in India and abroad. At such a crucial juncture, it does not behove us to cast aspersions on each other. I think all of us, whether we are I-League or ISL fans, have come round to agree that unilaterally awarding the AFC slot to the ISL winner is not done and that I-league does not deserve to be treated in such a shabby affair.  A league that looks after both the interests of the I-League and ISL clubs is the order of the day.Let's stick to that point and overlook our minor differences.

    SamyajitdeepuEastBengalPridesouravindiagoalkeepardebarghya89athi_bheekarangaffertapemunna219777[Deleted User]and 2 others.
  • samsam 16692 Points
    A few years back when ISL and IL used to be played one after another in a year, players used to play minimum 40 games. That time we and they complained games are coming thick and fast. They are playing continuously and getting tired. I remember one comment from our famous Bablu Da in this regard. He said they used to play much more than current players. Frequent matches, tournament after tournament. 
    Don't get me wrong. I'm not defending the ISL and IL one after another system. It's not good. We get small pool of players, players play in two different clubs and strategies in a year, loan issues etc. I'm just highlighting we are king of finding excuses. In a merged league also we will find some excuses in the number of games.
  • A few years back when ISL and IL used to be played one after another in a year, players used to play minimum 40 games

    @sam these 40 games were in span of 5 months and gaps between two games or leagues was irregular
    bring on 35-40 games in 8 months it should do good
    even 50 games target is unrealistic , there would be huge logistics cost involved

    yes we are king of finding excuses.
    but in this case its valid case , none of our players(barring chhteri may be) are capable of playing high intensity game for full 90 min.Wherever we have came back strong in second half , thats because of opponent going easy or cos 4-5 subs coming in .. without more game time players wont work on fitness.
  • ashindiaashindia 9548 Points
    Playing in I-League and then in ISL was actually bad. First they had to play under different coach and style then came into ISL went through pre season and then played under a different coach and different set of players.
    [Deleted User]
  • munna219777munna219777 28557 Points
    There is a daily evening game in ISL. Players are always in Hotel / flight mode.
    I-League calendar is also jumbled up.
    Surely there is an impact on players as far as intensity, fitness goes as a footballer.

    Matches on Sat / Sun will give adequate time for Footballers to recover and improve.
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