FIFA U17 World Cup 2017 in India



  • Tushar_YesICanTushar_YesICan Mumbai 47 Points
    Haha wah Pata hi nahi tha Tu toh bujurg hai hai idar ka, Tuje senior citizen status de dena chahiye idar. 
    Age frauds ki baat ati hai Toh facts present Karo with proofs, ye tumhare illogical comments 23 yr old n all Bakwass hai. Agar proof present karoge ya tumhara Jo b source hai jaha se Tumhe Pata chala Bata do, Toh ispe illogical arguments honge hi nahi. 
  • DXDX 4074 Points
    This is an English forum with ppl from all over the country.
  • Tushar_YesICanTushar_YesICan Mumbai 47 Points
    @dx I hv reading this age fraud comment since last few days and the level of illogical conclusions they were was insane. Someone is I hv my sources he is 23 that one is 22. Nobody has stopped them to present their facts with proof but just ranting without sense is stupidity. 

    Haha my username is just my Twitter name which I have created long back. 

  • 7negi7negi India10890 Points
    Its not about age fraud any more, its about our age fraud becomes fraud once they reached to senior or pro level. Only Jeje is one player in last 5 years who has matched little bit of his form in Indian youth teams to present form in senior team football. 
  • Tushar_YesICanTushar_YesICan Mumbai 47 Points
    @7negi when was the last time before such praises for u17 squad, a coach of a top national team praising our team? Certainly never, Some guys here couldn't digest those facts here. 

    It is very obvious that all over world age fraud exists, but certainly India as a host nation, AIFF would have been extra cautious about that. So, I just find those comments senseless stating irrelevant info that too without any proof. 

  • Oh yeah aiff will be cautious enough not to get caught that's for sure  :D
  • goalkeepargoalkeepar Turkish occupied Cyprus30019 Points
    PP doesn't even know when WC how he will know the age of players he only knows the dates of when money is transfered to his Swizz account by aunty.
  • souravindiasouravindia 3763 Points

    To an extent I agree with Tushar. There might still be age cheats (known to Indian officials of course) in this team, but the extent to which we are saying - I doubt it.

    Also we have had enough of this discussion, specially so near to the actual cup, it might demoralize the team. Another fact is, with India hosting the cup, we might find enumerable anonymous visits to this forum by citizens of national teams who would be participating in this world cup, and it is not going to paint a rosy picture of our team.. Will it?

    I would suggest, lets refrain for this discussion as what has been done is done. No point discussing it. Also even if we were to be false about this age cheating, it is by default going to paint a very bad picture of our nationality in infront of foreign nationals.

    So my earnest request, please refrain from such discussions now onwards, and concentrate more on the performance and other stuffs for the world cup

  • mohammed_87hassanmohammed_87hassan Sumeet Passin FC Jupiter10492 Points
    Age fraud discussion in IFN is going on for ages nd no one was spared

    And authenticity of this world cup team was discussed right from the time they were formed

    People coming here from facebook nd doubting authenticity of gaffertape have no idea
  • RonnyRonny 10575 Points
    We should accept those friendly requests from Iraq and Japan to test ourselves.. Mali will be too good but no harm in playing them at home and Iran another team we have come close to matching..we should play these games
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