FIFA U17 World Cup 2017 in India



  • shankarshankar 2600 Points
    But at least 1/3 would belong to free passes I assume
  • gaffertapegaffertape 13047 Points

    RAKIP to Kerala Blasters in a 3 year deal worth over 28 laks
    5.6laks year 1
    10.80laks year 2
    12 laks year 3 

    to put that in perspective U-19 "star" EDMUND was signed by BFC in a 3 year deal worth 27laks

    "SuperStar" Dheeraj is being offered 18laks a year & promised that KBFC will replace Sandip Nandy  :p
    Kerala management are also willing to send 15 laks a year on India U-17 captain Amarjit 

    To put things in perspective : all these guys by the time they are U-18 will be earning more than what Udanta earned after he was top scorer in U-18 and then later signed by BFC at the age of 18

    Chennaiyans and Delhi Dynamos have also joined the race
    Amoy Ghoshal of Chennai & Thathagata at Delhi Dynamos have also tabled 60K per month rising to 1lak month offers to some other U-17 players. 

    AIFF have made offers to all these players for 3 years (50k-55k-60k) but the boys don't want to sign long term contracts. They are OK with playing i-league only for this year ; but from next year they all want to play in ISL !!

    AIFF is pissed with Chennai, Kerala and Delhi.

    NagendraRonny[Deleted User]Ashkaul5souravindiadeepuDXashindiashibierkarenesudhakar2050and 4 others.
  • deepudeepu Somaliya1621 Points
    take the mr pro-fool  :D
  • shankarshankar 2600 Points
    It doesnt make sense for players to sign  long term contract with federation....1-2 yr contract looks good for them to develop, and shall start their profession contract in next 2 yr period
  • dev_pfcdev_pfc Pune1937 Points
    No ISL team will give them game time.
  • shankarshankar 2600 Points
    but the opportunity to train with decent foreigners at younger age is more helpful than playing with same level of players for over long period
  • goalkeepargoalkeepar Turkish occupied Cyprus30019 Points
    u mean training with 40 year olds who can barely run will help them improve?
  • dev_pfcdev_pfc Pune1937 Points
    ISL teams wont be functional off season for this season and next at least, which is around 8 months per year. You cant have players sitting idle for such long periods especially for age group teams.even Arrows doesn't make much sense, but that will guarantee game time, and even I league teams barring SLFC or AFC wont bother giving them game time. we have seen how Raynier Fernandes has been warming MB since last year,
  • shankarshankar 2600 Points
    Who cares about the age when i am talking about sharing the dressing room and training with them....they can mentor this kids and potentially help the kids improve on game preperation which our current national team players were able to attain at 25+...

    ISL has many flaws but every ISL team got at least 2 foreigners who would be above par the level of indian players except may be chetri
  • BrainFallINDIABrainFallINDIA India7536 Points
    Maybe ISL clubs can sign them up and loan them to the Arrows team for a period of two years till the U-20WC ,in case if we are hosting it.
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