Brandon Fernandes



  • Shah476Shah476 240 Points

    i would say go to belgium for now..ASD has few guys there and they are doing well..but as said above they are probably looking for commercial interests..its always gonna happen with new market, happened to chinese and japanese players before..

  • Agree with Shah but right now my concern is how long will ASD do this? Currently if ASD brought him to Belgium then he would make it easy but they refuse to do so for marketing reasons (assumption)... but how long can they keep him confined to the 3rd Division of South African football? He needs to get out of their soon because if he joins an English Premier League club he wont make it automatically. He would be placed in the under-22s and the more you keep him confined to the SAFA 3rd Division the less impressive it will look. 

    Now I know what I just said sounds crazy but this is something I have seen before, specially in America where we have young kids get loaned out to the 3rd Division where they do brilliantly and come back to MLS and be able to do nothing. Fernandes needs to avoid this and get out there now.
  • Tats what my precise point was, he should target Belgium or Small European countries to get to play consistently at high level than 3rd division of SAFA. Not only Belgium, the lower end of the teams of Germany, Portugal, Spain, France, Netherlands, etc. top leagues or top teams of second division of these countries would also be good for him. With England he would have lot of problem with getting visa. 

    I agree with the financial aspect, for that ASD can have contract of 30-40% selling price sharing when the new team sells him to bigger teams. That way both can have huge financial gain.
  • Shah476Shah476 240 Points

    yeh belgium etc but if not then denmark, norway n sweden would be good shout..good technical leagues and often a good stepping stone..but ASD will have their interests at heart as they are his agents too..

  • Why cant they do contract clause in which they can sell Fernandes to some Belgian, Norwegian etc leagues and then when and if that club sells Fernandes to a bigger club ASD get a certain percentage of the transfer fee?

  • JoyptanJoyptan 295 Points

    Ashlesh said:

    > Arsenalkid700 said:

    > Why cant they do contract clause in which they can sell Fernandes to some Belgian, Norwegian etc leagues and then when and if that club sells Fernandes to a bigger club ASD get a certain percentage of the transfer fee?

    they dont want fee they want recognition
    that will bring more attention of media  


  • How will that work? You get Fernandes onto an EPL team he will be in the Academy and if he does well it will be the EPL club who get credit. At least here ASD would be compensated.

  • JoyptanJoyptan 295 Points


  • Shah476Shah476 240 Points

    but some1 has to keep the players interest first grand scheme of things ASD are doing right but for Brandon he needs a club..he can prob break into some club in norway..likes of etzaz hussain, harmeet singh and ghayas zahid etc all broke through aged 18 in norway and now they doing well..especially etzaz and harmeet..

  • cap him for india he wont take some other citizenship to play in europe (already has a portuguese 1)

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