Youth Football in India (News Thread)



  • Ujjwal_PUjjwal_P Assam99 Points
    I believe there are exceptional players and it is not good to generalize based upon their achievements. Rooney made his debut at 16 and that doesn't mean every 16 years old is ready for top division games.
  • When these 16 or 17 year old exceptional players feature in top leagues, they are playing in a team full of senior players who can support young players.
    In western countries, You will not see a team entirely comprising of 16-17 year olds competing against senior level teams because of difference in physicality.
    Thats why a Club environment is necessary where they will decide when the talented player is ready to make the next leap.
    Best way forward for these players is to wait for their chance to play in ISL / I-league and develop further.
  • samsam 16695 Points
    compulsory U19 on field all the time rule in IL and ISL can be helpful 
  • BadBad 5146 Points
    Just look at the quality of goals from both sides.Amazing!!!!!

    Our Team looks special to me as i have already stated in the past(i hope this team gets what this team deserves i.e World Cup Qualification from the main Tournament)
  • NagendraNagendra Rajahmundry, A.P6833 Points
    I read somewhere in news or IFN, prior to U 17 world cup.. there is a plan to induct Indian NT U 16 in German youth league.. it will be ok if AIFF can arrange in some mid-tier european Denmark,  Sweden, Norway 
  • samsam 16695 Points
    With Nicolai in charge that would have been possible. Now I do not know. Probably they will keep on doing Euro tours. Maybe Stimac can get some good deal from Croatia 
  • samsam 16695 Points
    Which players caught your eyes from this batch and for what?
  • NagendraNagendra Rajahmundry, A.P6833 Points
    Baring 3rd goal, rest all are good ... also Fenerhance team looks good.. 
  • BadBad 5146 Points
               There are many players who i would say are Very Good Players in this Team.No exaggeration but i think our front 6 are all very good. However, there are 3 players who i feel are exceptional. These players are:

    3) Taison Singh (great speed,great dribbling,great passing and vision on him.Is the most unselfish among the Front 6 for us). I am very very impressed by him.Great expectations from him.

    2) Shubho Paul (Has all the attributes which Taison has, just couple of additions i.e Is a bit more selfish than Taison(which could be good in few cases) but couple of things which he does better than Taison are that i feel he is a better Finisher than Taison and has got even better dribbling skills than Taison)

    1) Sridarth (OH Man!!! This guy is a genius if you ask me). Everybody knows about his finishing(No doubts about it). Himanshu is also a very good finisher(no debates here as well) but the reason why i am saying that Sridarth is an exceptional player and Himanshu is a very good player is because Sridarth's body positioning(while scoring goals is unbelievable/immaculate). The body positioning is an art and not many World Level Strikers Master it,leave aside Indian Strikers).

    Eg) I'll share a very technical point you which will help me explain my point in a better way and for you to understand my point easily. Bro, If you watch the highlights of our Team vs Fenerbahche, just observe our 5th goal(At around 1min and 6 seconds , just before scoring, Sridarth takes half a step to open his body(it is almost non-visible,just observe closely). The half step which he takes is the optimum(the best possible and the quickest thing which he could so, without breaking his stride in that moment to open his body and face the goal) and this guy does it without almost anyone noticing it.At 15-16 years, that is something special in my opinion.To have the knowledge to optimize your body at this age and to execute it with such finesse is what is so special about him.I have seen him do this(optimizing his body to prevent any wastage in his movement in the SAFF CUP as well,that is why i rate him so highly ever since.) 

    Apart from these 3, the other very good players in this are Himanshu(Clinical Goalscorer,we all know,could improve his build up play slightly but is an excellent player). Both the central midfielders(one is Maheson i think and the other one as well,i am forgetting his name) but both of them have great vision and decent passing.They can hold the ball,carry it as well.Slightly need to work on their defending but are dogged and persistent while making the tackle).

    Defence has been untested as of now(that is the only concern). However, they have composure to not loft it blindly. The centre backs have shown ball carrying capabilities and have looked organized. As for the Left Back and Right Back(they contribute in the attack as well,they have shown decent sense w.r.t when to go on the attack in support of the wide midfielders and when to fall back and just defend).

    Goalkeeper looks okay(Clean Sheet in SAFF Cup and conceded only wonder goals against FenerBahche,saved a penalty,so looks quite decent as well)

    Overall,the Team looks more than ready to me. Most of you guys are looking at AFC Qualification(which is actually the right way to think but for some odd reason, i don't know why but i am thinking about the World Cup)

    Let's keep our fingers crossed and hope for the best and ideally should take one step at a time.

    munna219777thebeautifulgameashindiasamrathorevarun4 atuljgDeb_BanSOCCER4klUjjwal_PPassiand 10 others.
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