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  • mohammed_87hassanmohammed_87hassan Sumeet Passin FC Jupiter10492 Points
    Ronny said:
    That money is spent because this batch will be playing Asian cup in May. So far they have been playing BFC juniors and desperately need international exposure
    Disagree. Playing 3rd or 4th tier youth sides in Europe for a month is not going to improve any of these players. It's just massive waste of resources. 

    9 crores was spent on U-17 WC team exposure tours. Only Jeakson Singh has come out to be a good player so far. 

    These exposure tours are farce and not needed at all.
  • giridharangiridharan Washington D.C4196 Points
    Well Idk I mean I would still not call Anwar Ali, Rahul KP, Gill or Boris as failures. Granted it's still not the best pool. But Jeakson is not miles ahead of any of these above as you said.
  • ashindiaashindia 9549 Points
    edited January 2023
    Both are important a strong league and exposure against stronger teams. But first priority should be youth league. This year we can give benefit of doubt as there is no point playing an extend youth league with teams having useless gimmick players in their squad. I would want more efforts from clubs in terms of coaching, scouting right from start of the season next year and then AIFF start a proper 4-5 months league to begin with and later expand in future 
  • RonnyRonny 10575 Points
    edited January 2023
    Calling Jeakson as the best player out of the WC batch is not correct..Only since last season or so Jeakson has actually improved his game..Amarjit,Suresh etc made it to the NT team before him. Apuia in my opionion is the best player from the WC batch on current performance having gone on to impress in the ACL as well..In defense Anwar Ali has made a big mark..Dheeraj had already proved himself before the WC but still made an impact. Only player that faded away from that team is Md Shahjahan and few due to injuries like Komal and Nongdamba atleast for now
  • indianFootballFanindianFootballFan India4496 Points
    How come FC Bengaluru United got entry when SC Bengaluru is the champion?
  • munna219777munna219777 28557 Points
    What is the point of Reserves team of ISL franchises playing in 2nd division.
    Rather give this opportunity to clubs who want to qualify for I League 
  • munna219777munna219777 28557 Points
    @sam Bhai  
    Any live telecast on Facebook or YouTube for Santosh Trophy matches ?
  • sam said:

    any details on these location. 
    first time i'm hearing of RKM - not sure what it stands for, so not judging
    BLG Diamond Rock - good name for a football club, gives a aggressive feeling
    Jagat Singh Palahi  - funniest amongst them all, just when i though Madan Maharaj last year was funny, this is even more 

    Delhi Football Club  - actually surprised such a generic football club name and no previous club exiting from there took it
    Dempo - good to see them back
    Ambernath Atlanta - This club is very special to me in the sense that my school friend is a co-owner of Atlanta FC which they merge with another club Ambernath
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