On average , What are the lowest marks to pass civil services ? I M not talking about IAS IPS or IFS , must websites are giving cut off for these 3 . But there are other posts like revenue , postal etc .
What are the cut off marks for Indian postal service through IAS or civil services exam ?
I am a bachelor by choice and not by chance
Astrology too?...The number of subjects you dabble in astonishes me
You are giving @munna219777 a run for his money!!
1 year in palmistry in high school .
1 month in hypnotics before loosing interest .
Are you God in disguise come to lift Indian football from its present morass?
I am just a jack of many trades , master of none .
That's why I'm am watching football ,
giving my blessings while watching
I am hard fish to find
I M not talking about IAS IPS or IFS , must websites are giving cut off for these 3 . But there are other posts like revenue , postal etc .
What are the cut off marks for Indian postal service through IAS or civil services exam ?
I know marks change but I need to know average .