Online Chatting



  • AshishKaulAshishKaul Ancient India1127 Points
    I bought dr oatker peanut butter . It has e471 .
    Is it palm/soy oil derived or pig fat derived additive ?
    It has green dot which means veg so it has to be plant based , right ?
  • indianFootballFanindianFootballFan India4496 Points
    Water can be pumped from lower areas to higher-speed areas and is being done all over the world. 
    About turning Desert into green forest, we need to learn from Israelis who have done it themselves. Carefully planning and long term vision can help reversing desert in to a forest.
  • samsam 16679 Points
    China is also doing it
  • goalkeepargoalkeepar Turkish occupied Cyprus29987 Points
    @AshishKaul E471 emulsifier  are produced from glycerol and natural fatty acids from both plant and animal origins. so what you got in oatker peanut butter is from plane source.
  • AshishKaulAshishKaul Ancient India1127 Points

    Your views ?
    My chilhchil dream coming true .
    A real Pokemon movie  <3
  • AshishKaulAshishKaul Ancient India1127 Points
    The hell !

    Childhood became.......chilchil lol
  • munna219777munna219777 28557 Points
    @AshishKaul ; Large parts of Deserts of Rajasthan have been converted to Green Areas for many many decades now. Read about Indira Gandhi canal project (previously known as Rajasthan Canal), Gang Canal, Harike Barrage which were planned and done even when India was under British rule. Northern Rajasthan areas like Ganganagar District are very well developed for agriculture due to canal water. Indus water treaty gave us water from Rivers like Sutlej, Beas which was used for irrigation by Haryana, Punjab, Rajasthan.
    River water pumping and storage is done in various multipurpose projects. Western countries like USA, USSR, Canada saw such multipurpose projects for flood control, big reservoirs for irrigation, hydroelectricity generation in 1920s and 1930s. Hoover Dam is world-famous.India constructed many such projects in 1950s and 1960s (Bhakra to Nagarjunasagar) when Nehru was PM.  Water transfer from low to high altitude is not any big deal.
  • deepudeepu Somaliya1621 Points
  • mohammed_87hassanmohammed_87hassan Sumeet Passin FC Jupiter10492 Points
    Pokemon always lacked a proper story to make live action adaptation adapting that Nintendo Game was best decision they made

    Hollywood has spoiled some world class Animes like Avatar,Death Note and Dragon ball but this looks cool
  • samsam 16679 Points
    Qatar beat Switzerland in Switzerland. Qatar rank 96 India 97 Switzerland 8

    Qatar recently lost to Uzbekistan away won against China Palestine Ecuador home 
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