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  • samsam 16679 Points
    Yes, @footydip I agree with you. Since there is no entrance exam for foreign MBBS there must an exit exam, but don't you think that should be of similar difficulty level?
  • samsam 16679 Points
    Rather than seeing this viagra thread everyday can we not start a probation period and ban new members from creating a thread?
  • footydipfootydip Ranaghat, Nadia, West Bengal2722 Points
    @sam ; yes that's true. Exit exam /final MBBS exam should be one for all be it home grown mbbs and foreign one. And one more big flaw in this FMGE model is that there is no clinical skill assessment. ( Sadly maximum foreign graduates lack in clinical skill, and it is of utmost importance)  exit exam with both theoritical and clinical part will solve that too.
  • samsam 16679 Points
    Indian medical graduates are one of the best in clinical skills. I have many foreign medical student friends. They all accept it. 
  • footydipfootydip Ranaghat, Nadia, West Bengal2722 Points
    Still we do have some shortcomings ( Indian graduates) .we lack in soft skills  like communication skills. Also standard operating protocols are not followed by majority of us . Antibiotics misuse is also a big big problem at least here in West Bengal. We need to seriously address these issues. computerized prescription, stricter drug laws preventing over the counter drug selling is a need of hour. But when we have to see over 300 patients in a busy opd 9am to 2 pm, those things remain a dream. Frankly speaking what we do in opd is to ask for the complaints and start writing medicines. Only pregnant women , geriatric population and choildren go through some basic clinical examination. Majority gets nothing even worse than a quack. Very basic examination like blood pressure is not measured for all. That is shameful thing. we feel ashamed but nothing can be done realy with severe manpower crisis in government setup. Sometimes I feel depressed that we are really doing nothing good for the most needy people of our state. 
  • samsam 16679 Points
    in simple words Number of doctors per capita must increase
  • munna219777munna219777 28557 Points
    @footydip @atuljg   @sam There was some news about change in MBBS syllabus recently with inclusion of Ethics, Communications part. Hope that it turns out well.

    One more thing I would like to add is that in Foreign Education system, even in High Schools/Middle school- Communication and Sports is given lot of importance. Students topping in these fields are the most popular students and go to best colleges.People make a career after excelling in these fields. We give more importance to Mathematics.
    In UK, there is NHS which is free Government service. Still the Doctor will come out of the cabin for every patient and personally greet you and escort the patient to the cabin. Efforts are to maintain rapport between Doctor and Patient. If you guys are aware of PLAB 2, they will grade you on Smile-Greet-Rapport routine before passing the Foreign Doctors. Efforts are to treat, not to load patients with unnecessary tests or antibiotics.
    In USA, Nurse will take first necessary tests like BP, weight and blood tests if necesary. then she will accompany you to Doctor and it is like customer service experience. They will cooperate with you a lot. Patient History is studied even before he/she visit the Doctor.

    In India my recent experiences have been terrible in private clinics. Any Namaste or Hello is met with a smirk even when we are paying the Fees. Go for eye test, the doctor will recommend glaucoma test to make money. Dentist for minor ailment will push you for Root Canal.  I prefer MBBS doctors from Government Dispensary as atleast they are not pushing for costly tests and are friendly chaps with no arrogance we see from so called private specialists.. But their prescription is like some Medical Representative wishlist with Vitamins, Malaria, Antibiotic, cough syrup, fever tablets for minor Flu.

    Suggestions made by @footydip should be implemented.
  • footydipfootydip Ranaghat, Nadia, West Bengal2722 Points
    Exactly. This Multivitamin syrup thing is the biggest scam. Now even people of general population asks you to write multivitamin when there is absolutely no indication. It is a myth which need to be busted. And flu can be treated with paracetamol and a antihistaminic easily but antibiotics are added. If you dont write one patient again will say 'ki daktar babu antibiotic bori den ni ?' ' what is this doctor, you have not prescribed any antibiotic?' Another is Acute Gastroenteritis or diarrohe. No antibiotic is needed in majority of cases. But people go to medicine shops and buy metrogyl / metronidazole like anything. But misses the crucial one fluid replacement. I may sound too critical but sadly we are moving to a antibiotics resistant era very fast. And saddest part is we still not doing anything noticable.
  • footydipfootydip Ranaghat, Nadia, West Bengal2722 Points
    @munna219777 I have heard that wait time for consultation in nhs is too long . Is that true ?
  • thebeautifulgamethebeautifulgame Durgapur,India30763 Points
    Image result for diwali wishes

    Wishing all IFN friends a very happy and safe Diwali!

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