@ArsenalFan700 and @munna219777 ... You'll can call me a comedy or whatever you'll feel like. Doesn't bother me. The fact remains though that equipment of Star Sports was damaged by the people. You can confirm that with any one from the production team that day. Or confirm with any person from Mumbai City FC regarding the status of the MFA.
@munna219777 ASFAIK Fifa is willing to provide India with more funds but has been forced to stop their funding plans after no tangible works were being(for some projects not even plan of action were submitted) done.
@karenesudhakar2050 Do you think IMG-R will give any money to AIFF if it is derecognised/banned by FIFA ? they can manage their ISL on their own. I-League is thus important to AIFF because it keeps them recognised as well as funds from both FIFA and IMG-R.
Ksfa had paid aiff 1 crore for goal project. But aiff unable to run academy. They even cannot run academy which cost around 25 lakhs per year. Aiff has money to spend for meetings & fifa grants are going to aiff Pocket s
Great news. Awesome!!!! Just aweosme ! We have a young marquee...it would be great if FCPC can hold on to him for the next few seasons. The guy hasnt played much since last october..but at 31 he still has a lot of football left. He wil be an asset for pune and ISL as well.
Ksfa had paid aiff 1 crore for goal project. But aiff unable to run academy. They even cannot run academy which cost around 25 lakhs per year. Aiff has money to spend for meetings & fifa grants are going to aiff Pocket