Chhangte hasn't proved his metal yet . agreed he scored 2 wonderful goals but those were against Nepal. he is still not a regular for his club side. guy has huge potential and footballing brain, but no need to rush him in squad before being polished properly and Dave Rodgers is doing a good job with him.
@7negi I am not a football insider bro, so I am not aware of these news behind scenes. all I know is he did a good job with young players at DSK last season.
Still I feel he is good academy coach. not a League coach material though. or maybe he can be a good coach with more experience. @gaffertape why dislike dude?
25th May
June 1
Forcing his young players to sign contract with his agent !
Bullies his young players...and has done nothing to ensure they get the 5 months salary they are owed.
And this is just the tip of the iceberg