Premier League Soccer - General Discussion



  • well we cant get rid of will always stay..we can only hope to see them function well
  • archakarchak 2082 Points
    You know what, PLS is gonna be crap. R u guys kidding? you are comparing this crap wit IPL? in 25 crore, d world famous stars wont even com 2 shek hands wit playas, let alon tek d field 4 a random asansol, midnapore and blah team. Indianfootbal wil remain damned as it is.
    lets wait and see and then again they are going to sign the old players who are going to retire on loan and not on transfer that would help ease the financial burden
  • archakarchak 2082 Points
    The matches would be held during june july
  • namewtheldnamewtheld Kolkata5665 Points
    r u sure archak\? i think i read jan-march probably isnt it?
  • archakarchak 2082 Points
    r u sure archak\? i think i read jan-march probably isnt it?
    they said that it would be held during off season so that icon players can loaned from clubs. According to
  • jose12jose12 4 Points
    How to improve indian football
    1. Fire all staff except those who recently joined.
    2. Appoint top class pros for each and every remaining position.
    3. The top man of aiff cannot hold the position for longer than eight years who shall be chosen by election.
    4. Remove the honarary president position.
    5. allowing interference of government till AIFF has not been professionalised
    The AIFF appoints the coach. If the coach does well then everybody can take credit but if he does not perform as per the requirements then the entire AIFF including the President should resign on moral grounds during the coach's sacking
  • archakarchak 2082 Points
    How to improve indian football
    1. Fire all staff except those who recently joined.
    2. Appoint top class pros for each and every remaining position.
    3. The top man of aiff cannot hold the position for longer than eight years who shall be chosen by election.
    4. Remove the honarary president position.
    5. allowing interference of government till AIFF has not been professionalised
    The AIFF appoints the coach. If the coach does well then everybody can take credit but if he does not perform as per the requirements then the entire AIFF including the President should resign on moral grounds during the coach's sacking
    I am not saying these on the ground of sacking the coach. I saying this because only a handful of them are really working hard to improve the standard of the game in india
  • ashindiaashindia 9569 Points
    PLS clubs also eligible for I-League Qualification

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  • Deb_BanDeb_Ban 10149 Points
    But is anything happening on PLS front at all? Is IFA sleeping over it? Was it just a publicity gimmick?
  • How to improve indian football
    1. Fire all staff except those who recently joined.
    2. Appoint top class pros for each and every remaining position.
    3. The top man of aiff cannot hold the position for longer than eight years who shall be chosen by election.
    4. Remove the honarary president position.
    5. allowing interference of government till AIFF has not been professionalised

    Little late for this but you do realize that the 5th point is illegal under FIFA rule, dont you? FIFA is extremely strict when it comes to Govt. interference in Football FAs. It has banned countries like Iraq, Greece (a year after they won Euro) and Nigeria for this reason in past..
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