I League Player Transfers Season 2012-13



  • projenatorprojenator 26 Points
    edited April 2012
    Rudra,<br>          imsubhankar spilled the beans, that's what I have been meaning to tell you. I don't feel comfortable discussing various speculative news on club sponsors. The Prayag United story looks too good to be true. Also all these insider information about Bengal clubs which almost always make it to the media sends wrong messages to football followers in India.  The scene in Bengal is very transparent but there's not enough football reporting in Goa for us to know what's goin on there.<br>          Recently there has been a lot of talk on various forums including this one about Bengal clubs inflating player salaries. The Bengal club officials are arguing that at one point Dempo and Churchill had bigger budgets than theirs, now when they are giving these clubs a run for their money, they are being unnecessarily criticized. I find their defense very reasonable, especially their reference to Dempo and Churchill, these two clubs started the player salary inflation race. Add to that Dempo's weird organizational structure where Armando decides player salaries in addition to coaching duties, now which player will not be subservient to such a coach ? It's a very clear message to the players, piss Armando off and you are a goner.  Armando wanted to implement the same model with the national team but the AiFF officials will never allow that because that mean undermining themselves. To be honest, no club official will allow that. I like the Armando model though, provided the coach is not an autocrat, which Armando is not.<br>
  • rudra wrote:
    Father of all rumors!!! - Pradyum Reddy targetted by MB!!!! lol MB fans hate him for his comments on the bengal clubs  =))

    <br><br><span data-jsid="text" class="commentBody">the team Pradyum Reddy is
    managing this season was in the relegation zone until a few days ago, he has
    been very critical of the infrastructure, systems and what have you of
    the so called BIG CLUBS in Calcutta, now that very person is lobbying
    with UB officials to coach one of these clubs, isn't this HEIGHT OF
    HYPOCRISY ?<br><br>Man, if this guy gets to manage MB with the kind of defence the officials have recruited till date, MB will be fighting relegation next season for sure.<br></span>
  • silicon3silicon3 351 Points
    projenator wrote:
    Rudra,<BR>          imsubhankar spilled the beans, that's what I have been meaning to tell you. I don't feel comfortable discussing various speculative news on club sponsors. The Prayag United story looks too good to be true. Also all these insider information about Bengal clubs which almost always make it to the media sends wrong messages to football followers in India.  The scene in Bengal is very transparent but there's not enough football reporting in Goa for us to know what's goin on there.<BR>          Recently there has been a lot of talk on various forums including this one about Bengal clubs inflating player salaries. The Bengal club officials are arguing that at one point Dempo and Churchill had bigger budgets than theirs, now when they are giving these clubs a run for their money, they are being unnecessarily criticized. I find their defense very reasonable, especially their reference to Dempo and Churchill, these two clubs started the player salary inflation race. Add to that Dempo's weird organizational structure where Armando decides player salaries in addition to coaching duties, now which player will not be subservient to such a coach ? It's a very clear message to the players, piss Armando off and you are a goner.  Armando wanted to implement the same model with the national team but the AiFF officials will never allow that because that mean undermining themselves. To be honest, no club official will allow that. I like the Armando model though, provided the coach is not an autocrat, which Armando is not.<BR>
    <P> Well Since the time of NFL & Now I-league - Goa Bengal teams have always been giving each other a run for their money..it woul dbe unfair today that Dempo and CB are the reason for the salary hike..the real reason for the salary hike is the small pool of players to choose from..now even mediocore players are asking 50-60 lacs.. naturally if you start showing intrest to poach d best players from a opposition team , its expected to raise the salary package..I honestly hope this nonsense of astronomical salary stops with a sensibel decision from AIFF with a salary cap or it will be the ruin of indian clubs.</P>
    <P>About coach Armando. Like you said Armando..surely any team management will consult the coach on what the player should be offered , any ask for his views..Any players is subserviant to his coach.. there are no two ways about it..the coach is d orchestra condutore and d mucisians are his team.</P>
    <P><BR>I would liken him to coach Sir Alexwho will not take any bull shit from even his star players..he disciplined Beckham and Rooney and offloaded players who did not comply with this wishes/values...A club which has a firm coach with players knowing that indiscipline will get them a shouting will surely perform well..if we have star primadonas in d teams its known to crate groupism  and politics which do not allow the team to perform to its potential.. </P>
    <P>Hell i'm glad with watever Coach Armando is doing cause its showing in Dempos performance all these years.. I would also say that last year Dempo did not win the League only becuase of the AFC commitments, Injuries and , exhauted players , a packed schedule hurt Dempos chances.. Salgaocar were in a way lucky to win last year.</P>
  • dont access liveindiafootball(full of virus). admin, please look into the matter<br>
  • AdminAdmin 240 Points
    Which page? Live Indian Football? The links shared by Utpal?
  • The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • UtpalUtpal 0 Points
    sujoy1976 wrote:
    dont access liveindiafootball(full of virus). admin, please look into the matter
    <P>Thanks Sujay for pointing this out, but I want to know did you come to know that the site is full of virus?: I am asking this coz I access the site atleast twice everyday but my Norton and Kaspersky is unable to detect any viral activity there. Anyone else facing similar virus alerts? If yes then I guess it is time to get my antivirus updated :( </P>
  • AdminAdmin 240 Points
    sujoy1976 wrote:
    dont access liveindiafootball(full of virus). admin, please look into the matter<br>

    <br><div>Can't do anything about it as its not our site. Also please post it in relevant threads. This is for I-league transfers only. But good job of alerting people. I will request members to not post the links from that site until things are resolved</div>
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