Indian Football News Updates



  • munna219777munna219777 28514 Points
    i hav a dream!!
    Starting a new 24hr free to air football channel in india...that cover all the i league ,fed cup,final round of durand cup,kolkata league,goa pro league,silong league,etc...
    1 hour footbal news,i league discusion,each round pre and post analysis.
    I think the chanmel beter than neo in terms of content
    First step will be to remove IMG-Reliance from Indian Football. They are PANAUTI company for Indian football. As long as they are in control, Indian football will struggle to be shown on TV.
  • y all blaming img...aftr the arival of img v playd more than 10frndly match in 3 year.that never happen in indian futbl hstory
  • munna219777munna219777 28514 Points
    y all blaming img...aftr the arival of img v playd more than 10frndly match in 3 year.that never happen in indian futbl hstory
    IMG is not involved in arranging Friendly matches.

    IMG Reliance separately signed a 15-year partnership with the All
    India Football Federation (AIFF), the governing body for football
    (soccer) in India. IMG Reliance, in cooperation with the AIFF, will
    radically restructure, overhaul, improve, popularize and promote the
    game of football throughout India, from the grassroots to the
    professional level.

    This agreement grants IMG Reliance all commercial rights to football
    across all football properties controlled by AIFF including but not
    limited to the national teams and all current and future professional
    leagues. Such rights include media rights, sponsorship and advertising
    rights, licensing and merchandising rights, franchise rights, new league
    rights and any other commercial rights attached to any of these

    They fail to bring sponsors or commercial benefits like TV telecast for indian football.
  • preetampreetam 870 Points
    Nxt update 4 rankin is on 19 dec. India hav 149 pts..and set to loose 8 pts next 141 pts
  • ArsenalFan700ArsenalFan700 Reddit13655 Points
    i hav a dream!!
    Starting a new 24hr free to air football channel in india...that cover all the i league ,fed cup,final round of durand cup,kolkata league,goa pro league,silong league,etc...
    1 hour footbal news,i league discusion,each round pre and post analysis.
    I think the chanmel beter than neo in terms of content
    Never going to happen until Indian football can AT LEAST make the viewers that a sport like Hockey can make.
  • media ignoring indian football..that wt i say about new channel 4 from kerala and no media give a detaild report of i league nd natnl team media report about kolkata all gve report of useles india windies one daymatch.same hapn in tamlnad,andra,orisa,gujarath.maharashtra,north india etc.hw footbal popularizd
  • am sure if dd national telecast some matches of i league,and some football show more people attract to football.because i love and learnd football by watchng 1994 world cup through old dd 1.and dd metro.
  • preetampreetam 870 Points
    Great,..keep it up..
  • goalkeepargoalkeepar Turkish occupied Cyprus29262 Points
    I agree with u @karalakid ower news channel don't even show the score of NT games they only show cricket
  • ArsenalFan700ArsenalFan700 Reddit13655 Points
    media ignoring indian football..that wt i say about new channel 4 from kerala and no media give a detaild report of i league nd natnl team media report about kolkata all gve report of useles india windies one daymatch.same hapn in tamlnad,andra,orisa,gujarath.maharashtra,north india etc.hw footbal popularizd
    You are not listening. No one is going to fund a channel or news show for Indian football. It will lose money and eventually be cut. I agree that TEN Action should be doing a much better job of promoting and marketing the I-League on their channel and that IMG-Reliance should be doing better in marketing Indian football overall but the answer is not as simple as having our own dedicated channel or news show.

    At best we could try to really take advantage of the "new age TV" which is youtube and have the AIFF post videos on there. Highlights, pre- post- match shows, news shows. It would be free to upload and easy to produce.

    That is the best or one of the options we can hope for... TV Channels or news shows just are not viable at the moment.
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