I thought Guam used to play in Oceania zone before. It is high time they scrap Oceania zone and bring New Zealand, Fiji in AFC zone just like Australia.
> munna21977 said:
> I thought Guam used to play in Oceania zone before. It is high time they scrap Oceania zone and bring New Zealand, Fiji in AFC zone just like Australia.
But what about Fiji, Papua New Guania (spelling), Soloman Islands and Tahiti etc..... they cant pay for a trip from say their island to Iran.
Dont believe BigSoccer on Guam by the way. The word over there was that Guam was a rising power for the championships because of the American based talents. Apparently if you fill your team with American college students (who wont be in season during the qualifiers) then you are the best in the Challenge Cup...

Slightly tough but doable..wud ve loved thr group india got or nepal..
> Shah476 said:
> Slightly tough but doable..wud ve loved thr group india got or nepal..
Only 1 team from the group qualify right ?
@ashindia five group winners and two best second-placed teams will join host nation Maldives at the 2014 AFC Challenge Cup finals.
India have got a fairly easy group and would play their group matches in Myanmar.
Palestine got the easiest group..
I thought Guam used to play in Oceania zone before. It is high time they scrap Oceania zone and bring New Zealand, Fiji in AFC zone just like Australia.
> munna21977 said:
> I thought Guam used to play in Oceania zone before. It is high time they scrap Oceania zone and bring New Zealand, Fiji in AFC zone just like Australia.
> Shah476 said:
> Slightly tough but doable..wud ve loved thr group india got or nepal..
Dont believe BigSoccer on Guam by the way. The word over there was that Guam was a rising power for the championships because of the American based talents. Apparently if you fill your team with American college students (who wont be in season during the qualifiers) then you are the best in the Challenge Cup...