Bengaluru FC Season 2013-14



  • PondicherryPondicherry 341 Points
    @weka there are two options here for you:

    1. get a credit card
    2. ask someone who lives in India buy for you whatever you want and have them ship it to you. Maybe, someone here at IFN can do that for you.
  • wekaweka Alabama, United States245 Points
    I'll try to see what @jithuv can do for me. Getting a credit card for me at this moment is not really good as I am in no position to hold a credit card. I need to learn some basic accounting first... going in feet first without a clear head with something like a credit card is no good.
  • PondicherryPondicherry 341 Points
    @weka Whats harm in holding a credit card and why do you require basic accounting? I think your smart enough to hold 5 different credit cards. How old are you @weka? Please don't tell me your younger than @ArsenalFan700
  • ArsenalFan700ArsenalFan700 Reddit13655 Points
    I have a credit card. It really is not hard to learn the one rule... dont spend when you dont need to.
  • gaffertapegaffertape 13021 Points
    edited March 2014
    Finally Novy speaks and it isn't nonsense...

    and @Weka... stop whining about your jersey, if you are too tight to pay $20 shipping then you don't deserve to have BFC send you a Sunil Chhetri jersey...

    if you are that desperate , I'm meeting him next week, and will ask him to donate you one...but you'll have to wait till June when I come the US..or inbox me your address and I'll spend the whopping 1000 rupees postage...coz I'd rather do that than listen to you whinge...

  • wekaweka Alabama, United States245 Points
    @gaffertape What? You misunderstand me. I never complained about the price. The price is not a problem for me. If I did complain about it, it's a mistake ;) I'm never too tight about price. Haha.

    If you think I am whining, guess you better get a new definition mate
  • DXDX 4074 Points
    Guess the reason i dont visit this thread is bcos its turned out to be a thread whether weka will recieve a jersey or not :)

    Btw regarding the possession video posted,Seriously man like i told earlier and even if they win the I-league, They still are a Dodgy playing team, Possession is not at all about passing at the back and probing the wings

    Telling possession is all about the swiftness & purpose in passing and the sheer aggression to win the ball back and then restart again, BFC has not done that and will not do that unless they bring in players who have experience in playing that way.
  • wekaweka Alabama, United States245 Points
    edited March 2014
    @dx7778 Haha. Don't worry, I'll get my jersey, already got someone else on it helping me ;) Anyway, Possession isn't everything but even with it, you can master some things while others who have trouble holding the ball do not.

    I think BFC is good in attack and midfield but the defense has let in some questionable goals. Then again... what Indian team hasn't?
  • DXDX 4074 Points

    I would say EB is the best team currently which plays direct football, Its just the caliber of players who let them down, BFC isnt good in the attack(I know controversial right), The majority of the goals they have scored is either in Counter attacks or though mistakes done at the back.

    For eg., Sean is not a natural goal scorer, Robin is not a target man & Sunil is a poacher. Its bcos of the Back 2 & mengyonar that they tick, Off course with Sunil's goal poaching as well.

    I would rather have decent midfielders brought in with someone better than Sean rooney, who can bring the wingers/Sunil/MF's into play next season.

    Probably go for a decent Full back as well then that's an awesome team.

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