Mohun Bagan Super Giant News



  • munna219777munna219777 28557 Points
    USL ows 4.5 Crores to Mohun Bagan according to Mohun Bagan.  The new owners Diageo are interested in paying up then??
  • AKBAKB Kolkata3039 Points
    edited November 2015
    Actual due is 4.5 Cr for 20114-15 plus the entire 8 Cr for 2015-16 and Diageo are not interested in paying though the Sponsorship deal remains live. I believe it is a straight forward case but you never know with these Officials.
  • munna219777munna219777 28557 Points
    How much Control Vijay Mallaya still got in Diageo India wing?
    Going to Court against one of the  world's biggest Liquor Companies is not a wise decision as they got army of lawyers. Better do some Settlement and look for new Sponsors.
  • EastBengalPrideEastBengalPride India9301 Points
    VJM is ready to step down as USL chairman. He owns less than 5% stakes in USL anyway.
  • AKBAKB Kolkata3039 Points
    Stepping down of VM is not going to resolve the issue. Diageo share holders don't want to put money in Indian Football. Consequently Diageo simply stopped giving money from Nov 2014, though the tenure of the contract is up to 2023 (as reported). No official communication or reasoning has been given to Mohun Bagan as to why money is not released. Thus even though Diageo is a big company, still it may be troubled water for them.
  • munna219777munna219777 28557 Points
    See Mallaya had connection with Calcutta. Now he is in trouble and new owners of USL Diageo do not share the same connection either with Indian football or Calcutta.
    Look for some biggie Calcutta company like ITC or some other alcohol company like Officers Choice.
  • AKBAKB Kolkata3039 Points
    edited November 2015
    Your point is valid but the problem is Officials must think for the solution. It is not that there can't be any sponsor for the I-League Champions or for that matter a club of Mohun Bagan's stature but the conflict of interests (of the Officials) prevent big business houses from becoming sponsors. The present officials are so self centered & corrupt that sponsors want certain t & c clarified before investing but t & c presented by the would-be Sponsors are not acceptable to the corrupt officials for obvious reasons. The proposal of Etihad was excellent for the Club but would have prevented these officials to rule as they are doing now. The net result is because of a handful of rogues a 126 year old institution is in danger of not fielding a team this year.
    How you can justify the great "Sochib" calling for an emergency meeting only after Tutu screwed him ? My gut feeling is even Tutu, Srinjay & DD are also fed up with the "Sochib". They want to make a situation so that he leaves & Srijay becomes the Secretary. But "Sochib" wouldn't leave for sure. Also the so called well wishers (mostly Political big wigs..... incuding one icon player plus one ex Secretary plus one other icon player) are all watching keenly to see if they can get any mileage out of this situation. We the members & also millions of supporters have no say..... if you open your mouth at the Club tent you will be abused & taken care off. If the rogue officials had only 10% of the attachment or love for the Club what we have things would have been totally different.
    Any way to get away from this sorry tale...... WISH EVERY IFN MEMBER A VERY HAPPY & PROSPEROUS DIWALI.  
  • kartik91kartik91 Delhi1139 Points
    You guys are supposed to be one of the biggest supporters in terms of no.s . Get online and gather your troops and start a movement against these corrupt bastards. Local media contacts will defi itely help. Word will spread and hopefully MB will benefit from this!
  • Soham_DeSoham_De Kolkata1673 Points
    ITC is a big time shit, They are never gonnna sponsor any anybody
  • Deb_BanDeb_Ban 10062 Points
    Diageo is a corporate, if they stop payment they must have done it through official communication. Why Anjan & Co waited so long to take Any action? Some fine print in the contract must be preventing it. Anjan himself is a lawyer, he would know better. Public is not in knowledge of full details of the deal.

    Getting another sponsor is not much of a big deal, severing relationship with the old one is. As @akb pointed out, there is a lot of undercurrent in this murky water.
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