Mohun Bagan Super Giant News



  • AKBAKB Kolkata3039 Points
    The point of concern is how to get out of the Diageo deal. As @Deb_Ban rightly pointed out.... stoppage of sponsorship money was done with proper procedure definitely which the rogues have not divulged. Now the water is flowing above the nose level & these rascals are dramatizing the whole issue. I'm really apprehensive that we are going the 2002 way led by that "Jom er aruchi" Sochib.
    @kartik91 ; what you said is right but I don't know if you are actually knowing the inside stories of Maidan. where media is bought, muscle men are fed, club interest is betrayed........ all for the chair.
    Whenever during last couple of years I wanted to say something in a rarely conducted General Body Meeting..... I was made very clear to keep my mouth shut.
    It is just out of sheer love & passion for the name Mohun Bagan that I attend all home matches as far as practicable and go to the club tent on Bengali NewYear's day or 29th.July like that.
    I have seen from very close quarters the body language of the "Sochib" to say that he does not even know Mohun Bagan's history or match schedules or anything. Till that rascal is on the chair sitting like a pulp..... we are doomed.
  • KoustubhKoustubh Kolkata219 Points
    I recall a famous Bengali movie " Bancharamer Bagan" here case like same. And that Famous Dialogue " ki korbo Babu Morte to chai kintu parlam koi "
  • KoustubhKoustubh Kolkata219 Points
    It is very clear that Ethihad or sponcer like same are spending money to big club but they also monitor that whether they get mileage out of same. They will recruit there own person who is professional enough and player recruit also be very much transparent . In our club that is major problem for recruit. If this things does not change then in future we will tell our son that here once Mohun Bagan club was situated . With glory and pride. Now nothing is left
  • AKBAKB Kolkata3039 Points
    edited November 2015
    Defitely Koustubh... you are absolutely spot on. I only add following:
    Our Sochib's grand son or great grand son on being told about Mohun Bagan will just tell his mom & dad.......oh God !!! I originated from that BASTARD who killed this institution !
  • While USL may not be willing to fulfill the contract, but it happens elsewhere as well. Very recently Pepsi pulled out of IPL of being the title sponsor and got replaced by some Chinese Mobile cos. (Vivo - probably); what is irritating here is that Bagan's strategy of "wait n watch" policy for a year now! Now that Heineken has taken over significant stake in UB, 2mrw they might also pull out of EB's contractual obligation also; but Nitu and Co. will not sit on their bums for a year, and instead would go whole hog to rope in a new sponsor(s). Lets face it - no corporates wish to associate its brand/imagery with Bagan,despite they being the reigning I League Champions/Natl. Club of India. If u do not have a strong opposition, there wont be any prominent candidate taking them head on during elections - which is what happened exactly! Bablu Bhattacharya, with his antics obviously cant get sponsors. There has to be an alternative face, who people/corporates can look upto - which unfortunately is not the case here! I have told in the past also, there are lot of jokers/pickpocketers, who by virtue of their association with the club in some capacity or the other have established some business interests themselves, while doing no good for the club - and thats exactly is conflict of interest and hence more and more MNCs would never want to be associated with the club - unless n until the reins of managing the club/operating it on a day to day basis is being supervised by a CEO/Director of Football Operations etc., which looks unlikely in the current context. So God save Bagan..
  • Deb_BanDeb_Ban 10062 Points
    @Soccerlover you are right. To attract sponsors, you need to put your house in order. But in spite of the lack of order, ArcelorMittal in the past and Etihad now were interested. Etihad gave some concrete proposals, which required to create a setup you detailed in your post.

    Regarding the non-action by Ajan & Co and the USL sponsorship, I have my own theory. I suspect that instead of giving sponsorship to USL, MB management handed over the ownership of the new entity (club) to them, maybe out of ignorance/ desperation/ carelessness. Now they are finding it difficult to get out of the mess. They have to wind up the entity, and that may also be not done unilaterally. Otherwise, why are they begging, threatening and cajoling USL, instead of just letting them go? BCCI did not do that when Pepsi went out. True, BCCI had more suitors, but so had MB.
  • EastBengalPrideEastBengalPride India9301 Points
    The football teams of EB and MB are JV companies which are half owned by UB and Diageo respectively. It's a 50:50 JV which somehow doesn't have an unilateral exit clause. I suspect the vested interest of the top Bagan officials prevent them suing USL here. No other corporate would give them such free license to commit such financial harakiri. So they are gonna try everything on earth to retain USL venture before they look for a new option.
  • thebeautifulgamethebeautifulgame Durgapur,India30168 Points
    Mohun Bagan to start practice from 23rd November. Drama regarding Sony Norde continues. Anjan Mitra had said that no one was indispensable at the club. If one Sony Norde goes, the three other Sonys would arrive. Yesterday, he did a complete turnabout and stated that after Barretto, Sony was the most popular foreigner of the club and Mohun Bagan would go all out to strike a deal with him. Incidentally, tomorrow was 14th November, Children's Day!! 
  • thebeautifulgamethebeautifulgame Durgapur,India30168 Points
    Sorry, all MB fans. Misspelt Barreto.
  • thebeautifulgamethebeautifulgame Durgapur,India30168 Points
    Mohun Bagan are reportedly targetting some Indian players like Amrinder Singh, Anas, Haokip, Mandar Rao Desai, Gabriel Fernandes. But it is feared that financial constraints might come in the way as Pune FC might ask for a transfer fee for signing its players.
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