Indian Super League 2015



  • atuljgatuljg Trivandrum3983 Points
    You can restrict anti ISL and anti I league comments to that particular thread. "I league vs ISL"
    Just empower the moderators to delete hate comments in other threads.
  • ArsenalFan700ArsenalFan700 Reddit13655 Points
    @nameWTHeld You make an excellent point and I guess I was rash to say that this place has gone downhill as the observations have become a lot better... attention the detail has also improved.

    It is the camp stuff that bothers me and I see it now all over this place. And what @7Negi said is also very much true but I don't think that ruins anything.

    Before though I felt we were able to at least meet halfway on most things, have an overall idea on an agreement, and there were much less "fuck you, no fuck you" stuff.
  • DXDX 4074 Points
    This is what you get when a bunch of kids think a Forum is similar to a fight in twitter and Facebook. Am over unintelligent posts, Earlier it used to irritate me when i see crap typed now i know this is the best that majority of Indian football fans can offer you by way of rational discussions.

    Keep going.
  • kartik91kartik91 Delhi1139 Points
    edited October 2015
    The only reason i joined this forum was to see who was joining delhi for this year's isl that's it. But having spent some time now i absolutely love to be here. I have learnt about so many indian players ,gauged a bit of fan frenzy the kolkatan clubs command and found people who despise PP like me but most of all found people who genuinely care about indian football!! Maybe this place was better before but this is the best place there is to discuss indian football!
  • DXDX 4074 Points
    Are you being sarcastic? Even after reading the last few pages & its posts? 
  • Deb_BanDeb_Ban 10067 Points
    One cannot deny that this forum has gone downhill. Perhaps the reasons detailed by @namewitheld are the cause. But the quality of discussions have gone up big time. What has made this place shit is a complete vertical fissure among the members on ISL-Ileague. Everybody is in either camp, have become impatient, is engaging in mud-slinging. The pithy discussions and opinions are giving way to partisanship. Thank @gaffertape for his insightful and balancing acts.

    The gloom in which Indian football is immersed currently, would definitely put me off to even discuss football, had it not been @arsenalfan700's unending positivsm in these pages.

    I do miss @projenator. At the same time, I look forward to @therealAG's analyses, @ashlesh, @domnic and @archak's insights.

    To sum up, some old friends have take leaves (I won't say left us) but some new friends have joined. This made the feel of this place different.

    I think IFN is evolving :)
    DomnicNagendra7neginamewtheldgoalkeeparkartik91munna219777archakfootydiparunand 1 other.
  • Bitcoins huh
    Put IFN in deep web and solve the problems :P

  • DomnicDomnic 2309 Points
    Well a lot of people have commented a lot of things in the last one day. Now lets put all this to rest. And #LetsFootball.

    Just to clarify, earlier during I league games although the members were few, we used to have separate thread for each round and there used to be great discussions during each match. Now, we neither have a thread and neither(or few) have any comments during the match.

    Secondly, earlier we used to have mega fights especially during Goa-Kolkata club matches but all was forgotten the next day and we were back to normal as though nothing happened. Now we have people taking extreme view points either against/for ISL almost going to a point of fanaticism.

  • deepakcdeepakc Mumbai 3416 Points
    I m not a fanatic correct @DX?
  • EastBengalPrideEastBengalPride India9301 Points
    @Domnic All forums evolve, new members come and trends change. A football forum will have a bit of fanaticsm, thats quite natural. From my experience, if a forum doesn't change and evolve, it dies. How the evolution goes has to be managed by the folks who own and run the forum.
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