2016 I-League 2nd Division



  • munna219777munna219777 28557 Points
    Maurya Ji, we appreciate your effort in coming to IFN Forum and connecting with the fans. We wish you all the best. We support Fateh SC and sincerely hope that your club will help us bring Hyderabad back to level it deserves in Indian Football and its glorious history.
    skydeepakcsamiamnamewtheldBrainFallINDIAreddevil87atuljgDeb_Banashindiaspartaand 1 other.
  • namewtheldnamewtheld Kolkata5665 Points
    edited January 2016
    @sky    We really appreciate your taking time out to connect with fans on Indian Football Forum. The clubs who have come and responded to the fans here always have a special place in our hearts, be it Aizawl FC, Minerva AFC or Fateh Hyderabad FC.
    I personally believe that your approach is reasonable and we are thankful to you for putting Hyderabad, the city that gave us legendary footballers, back on the Indian Football map. That in itself is a great achievement for the first year. 
    Please take the criticisms here positively, you know that us fans can be unreasonable at times because we grow impatient.  
    I would suggest you open a thread dedicated to Fateh Hyderabad FC where Indian Football Fans can interact with you.

    Thank you

  • RonnyRonny 10575 Points
    @Yogesh Maurya: I really appreciate you joining here and sharing your views..we are all delighted to have a club from Hyd finally in the mix..pls do not take the fan opinions personally instead view it constructively..IFN is the real ocean of Indian football fans, the actual people who care about Indian football..if engaged and observed in the right manner, this forum is a goldmine for football owners/investors in India..make the most of it :)
    Best wishes to Fateh Hyderabad
  • samiamsamiam 1614 Points
    Love from Goa to Fateh Hyderabad FC
  • deepakcdeepakc Mumbai 3416 Points
    @sky Yogesh ji I have been one of the more vocal critics. My point is that as you intend to grow organically and is a long term process. Wouldn't it have been better if you started with Hyderabad city league and liaise with telangana football federation to start some kind of state league. Don't you think that if a team is not ready then national league may not be the best place to groom young talent?? Also as an owner if you have a coaching license its great but in this day and age shouldn't a serious pro team have professional coach and support staff....otherwise it starts to look like a vanity exercise Are you looking at being one of the teams in the merged league if and when it happens
  • atuljgatuljg Trivandrum3986 Points
    You are right.  Fateh should have followed the Minerva approach by building the Academy first and competing in state leagues. 

    But for a city or state league, you need teams and Fateh is possibly the only club in telangana. Their only option is to participate in 2nd division I league and other age group competitions.  I like their approach of depending on local talents instead of imported Northeast players like at Bengaluru FC.
  • atuljgatuljg Trivandrum3986 Points
    @sky ;

    1. Why the name Fateh Hyderabad and not Hyderabad FC which could generate more support? 

    2. Do you have stringent policies to tackle Age Frauds? 

    3. I suggest you take classes on Economics and Marketing instead of taking Coaching license.  Both are different entities and it's absurd. Get a real coach to be in charge of the team. 
  • munna219777munna219777 28557 Points
    edited January 2016
    @atuljg @deepakc ; Guys Please dont be harsh.  we cannot comment on whether he can take Coaching License or not. If that is his passion or he wants knowledge, he can do it. He can study Greek Philosophy if he wants, Its a free world. He never said that he wants Coaching Diploma so that he will be the only coach of his club. Regarding classes on Economics, if we make a list of educational qualifications of owners of top sports teams around the world, we will find that many didnt go to College or many do not have Business degrees. You need passion, leadership, Business acumen, hardwork, resources and luck to be successful-not diplomas or degrees.
  • atuljgatuljg Trivandrum3986 Points
    edited January 2016
    I wasn't harsh and I support Fateh. 
  • munna219777munna219777 28557 Points
    okay okay my mistake.
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