"The actor’s talks with Bengal’s Dempo Sports Club fell through in 2012. However, another top football club from the state, East Bengal is said to be interested in collaborating with him to join the ISL ranks."
When one of the owners of the Goan franchise is named Dempo...
If SRK ties up with EB then its confirmed EB will be in ISL. This is actually good for Bagan. Because you can't have any one of the Kolkata giants without the other. This will force ATK to merge with MB and not the other way around. Or just have 3 teams in Kolkata.
Kolkata has space for just two franchises and indications are that one of the giants will have to join hands with Atletico de Kolkata. Sources say Mohun Bagan, who are in talks with a French company, could step on to the ISL platform after a tie-up withAtletico de Kolkata, for which talks are underway. Atletico de Kolkata co-owner Sourav Ganguly, a long-time supporter of Mohun Bagan, is learnt to have been advised by the state chief minister Mamata Banerjeeto look into a possible tie-up. East Bengal, of course with backing from Khan, could be the other franchise.
I dont know how this tie up between ATK and MB will work out. (I personally would prefer a tie up with MB , than EB though :P ). Mohun Bagan doesnt have the finances to buy out ATK at the moment, not even have a majority ownership. There's a possibility if MB brings Lagardere on board as well....53 cr financial backing is too good to be true !!!
To stop the other clubs from crying about the merger, and finances, AIFF should say that the top 3 clubs of I-league next season will be in the revamped in ISL... They were asking for entry on merit , were they not?? Anyways BFC , EB and MB will compete the top 3 ... So, the other clubs got their chance, and the plan remains the same...Now they have to play League 1, no complains.... I personally feel the new system will get more footballers playing the game at tha professional level and football will be a viable profession.
When one of the owners of the Goan franchise is named Dempo...
I dont know how this tie up between ATK and MB will work out. (I personally would prefer a tie up with MB , than EB though :P ). Mohun Bagan doesnt have the finances to buy out ATK at the moment, not even have a majority ownership. There's a possibility if MB brings Lagardere on board as well....53 cr financial backing is too good to be true !!!
They were asking for entry on merit , were they not??
Anyways BFC , EB and MB will compete the top 3 ...
So, the other clubs got their chance, and the plan remains the same...Now they have to play League 1, no complains....
I personally feel the new system will get more footballers playing the game at tha professional level and football will be a viable profession.