India in Asian Games 2018



  • munna219777munna219777 28514 Points
    Saurav Ghoshal lost in Semi-Finals. One more Bronze medal for India.

    Gold 6
    Silver 5
    Bronze 17
  • BadBad 5141 Points
    Squash players are another set of chokers.These guys are big time losers.

    All three loose out on Gold and Silver.

    Deepika(seeded 4th lost to seed no.1)fair enough.
    Joshna(seeded 3rd lost to seed no.6)higher ranked got upset.

    Saurav Ghosal(Biggest idiot and biggest Choker of them all)seeded 1, lost to seed no. 3 by a margin of 3-2 after winning the first two sets.

    Last Asian games as well,in the final he lost to an unfancied opponent after winning the first two sets.

    We lack guts and confidence on the biggest stage/when we need it the most.Even our top athlethes lack it.We have choked in the past as well and we continue to do so.Nothing has changed.

    Disappointing performance in squash already.
    munna219777[Deleted User]spartaarchak
  • munna219777munna219777 28514 Points
    edited August 2018
    Age is also a factor. Saurav Ghoshal is 32, Sandhu 29, Joshna 31, Pallikal 26. For how many times we will be selecting same bunch ?
    The way Indian sports is being run these days is that instead of training/selcting the best available player with view on future, they are selecting those selected by corporates for CSR funding. Was their any Trial for selecting best Squash player in India? OGQ and Businessman are selecting established chokers again and again.
    Same story in other sports. Dipika Kumari has corporate funding so her selection is guaranteed irrespective of performance in Archery.
    Archery trials were diluted this time to select favourite candidates. In Boxing, for some categories, trials were not held. This was all done to select corporate backed candidates while some talented ones got left out.

    Malaysia brought a 19 year old girl Subramaniam and she has reached Finals in Squash.

    An Under -23 Indian squash player also would have lost but he or she would have learnt from the experience and  win Gold next time.
  • usaindiausaindia 1671 Points
    looks like a disappointment games
  • munna219777munna219777 28514 Points
    Tejinder Singh Toor gets gold medal in Men's Shot Put.  7th Gold Medal for India.

  • munna219777munna219777 28514 Points
    Magical performance by India Women's Team in last Quarter.  India defeats South Korea 4-1.  Rani Rampal is injured, still winning easily in her absence s a very good sign.

    Our Hockey teams used to be original chokers but this time, I am very confident about 2 Gold Medals.

  • munna219777munna219777 28514 Points
    Two national records on the first day of Track & Field - Tajinderpal Singh Toor in men's shot put and Hima Das in women 400 meters. A good first day in athletics for India.

    Nirmala and Hima in women 400 meters and Rajiv and Anas in men's 400 meters have made it to the finals scheduled for tomorrow.we can hope for two Gold Medals tomorrow !!!

  • spartasparta Jamshedpur FC2074 Points
    Hima Das is improving leaps and bounds in every run she is having. But to defeat that African girl she has to break some records in the final. I hope she cloaks under 50.8 in the finals, colour of the medal doesn't matter that much of she does that tomorrow.

    Hoping for the best. Also, I think she is competing in the 200 m too.
  • BadBad 5141 Points
    Gold in Men's 400m is a more realistic probbability.It will be an open race between Anas and Qatari.Its a 50:50 race in my opinion.

    In women's side,Salwa Eid naser is an overwhelming favorite.Hima will find it tough to beat her but she can certainly look to improve her timing I.e the National Record.

    With this performance of Him,maybe she can surprise a few in 200m.Watch out for in 200m.In that race maybe she will have a better chance.

    Before the games I had predicted that Hima might break both 400m and 200m record.She has already broken the 400m records that too in the heats which is an amazing achievement.

    Once again,I am predictin that  National records  should be broken by both Hima and Anas.

    Let's keep our fingers crossed crossed for 2 Gold's but at the least 1 Gold medal in 400m event.
  • deepudeepu Somaliya1621 Points
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