FIFA U17 World Cup 2017 in India



  • Rav92Rav92 Kolkata1660 Points
    I don't think this result should be taken seriously. They play this kind of matches just for the match practices. There is no reason to fought hard in this kind of matches and get injured. So I think coach has clear indication play safe and enjoy the game. I prefer Matos over Adam. The Problem with Adam was he always tried some selected players never used the whole bench where Matos gives everyone the equal chance which is very important for a bigger tournament. Let see what will happen in future.  
    deepak dedhagaffertape
  • goalkeepargoalkeepar Turkish occupied Cyprus30019 Points
    one more thing what I noticed is Komal Tatal doesn't look 21 to me he is like small kid. half the size of me. he looks big on TV. only clear age fraud I could notice was Aniket Jadhav he is not 16.
  • DXDX 4074 Points
    Get atleast a draw against USA then I would say we have met our expectations.

    There also seems to be an outside chance of getting a third place finish and a possible knockout stage if we get a unlikely win.

    3rd place finishers of Group A has an opportunity to play against group winners of Group C which most likely looks to be Germany or Iran.

    So there is an incentive to get a win.

    Am looking at the first match we play against USA. (Didn't we draw with them in GOA last year?)
  • goalkeepargoalkeepar Turkish occupied Cyprus30019 Points
  • ArsenalFan700ArsenalFan700 Reddit13655 Points
    India lost to the US 4-0 last year. I am expecting even worse defeats. While the India U17 side draws against Orlando City in Brazil earlier this year, some of the guys in the U17 World Cup squad have already played professionally.
  • DomnicDomnic 2325 Points
    @Rav92.  Dont just simply comment for the sake of it.  India U-17 will hardly be playing any practice matches and so this is the only opportunity that they have to test themselves,  so why would the coach ask them not to fight hard and play safe??? 

    I was standing right behind the India bench and from what I saw,  the coaches were totally frustrated and kept on shouting at the players to push harder and a lot of cursing in portuguese amongst themselves. Lot of kicking of chairs and water bottles out of frustration (so ur perception is totally out of place). In fact FC Goa were playing easy and India were going full throttle. 

    The Indian team on their part put in a real good effort(ball control n dribbling is very good) but their striking abilities are horrible.  Not a single corner kick could clear the first defender (terrible). 

    The team under Adam was a much better unit and played good football last year. The new set of coaches cant be blamed as they have had little time,  but they seem to be a very dedicated bunch of people.  

    sanvedjadhavgoalkeeparashindiashibiermohammed_87hassanCarbon_14karenesudhakar2050[Deleted User]munna219777SOCCER4kland 5 others.
  • I would say please don't post way too much negativity even if it's true..   

    See many people refer this forum apart from members 
    Yesterday there was snap of goalkeepers comment posted on facebook 
    Some new fans won't even go to stadium after seeing that 

    You people writing negative feedback won't improve our performance anyways 

  • karenesudhakar2050karenesudhakar2050 Hyderabad 1504 Points
    Shank this forumn is to bring the real facts  .not blindly beleiveing  aiff & coaches .what is wrong with gk post he posted his views.  
  • Way too much negativity 

    It's important 

    N there is reason why I added that 
  • DomnicDomnic 2325 Points
    Positive points were also highlighted. 

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