FIFA U17 World Cup 2017 in India



  • DomnicDomnic 2325 Points
    I guess, I do not have the expertise in representing things,  about timing and about the amount of truth to be shared. Maybe i need to take some training for that. 

    Considering my lack of expertise,  I have decided to stop commenting from today Sept 17th 19.30 hrs.  Thanks for enlightening me. 
  • footydipfootydip Ranaghat, Nadia, West Bengal2722 Points
    @Domnic don't stop commenting mate.  IFN is no one's monopoly. Share your views without hesitation. 
  • goalkeepargoalkeepar Turkish occupied Cyprus30019 Points
    Keyboard warriors like @DX should stop talking shit. if @domnic hated u17 team why would he traveled 25km to watch this match at 4:30 that to on bike in heavy rain without a raincoat when he had a fight for Mumbai at 7:30 pm.
  • ArsenalFan700ArsenalFan700 Reddit13655 Points
    I hate the New York Cosmos and hope they die yet I drove 2 hours to watch them in the pouring rain.
    The real AGDeb_Ban
  • goalkeepargoalkeepar Turkish occupied Cyprus30019 Points
  • mohammed_87hassanmohammed_87hassan Sumeet Passin FC Jupiter10492 Points
    If people are coming to IFN taking SS and posting on FB nothing is wrong

    I don't think IFN is big enough to have impact on players 

    And not watching U-17 team based on some random person post without even knowing his name is stupid

    These guys like @7Negi @Domnic @goalkeeper have watched the game and are entitled to have their views and there are many like us who don't watch them play keen to know about their performances

    Stopping them post negative stuffs about team is kind of giving us fake or baked information
    If people really don't want to see negative posts they can avoid this thread

    And as for age frauds it's AIFF who must be given a stick not @gaffertape or any other member 
    gaffertapemunna219777footydipCarbon_14SOCCER4klgoalkeeparkarenesudhakar20507negiashindiaindian_goonerand 2 others.
  • samsam 16695 Points
    I walked kilometers through woods to watch the match in Italy. India  <3
    footydipmunna219777goalkeeparkarenesudhakar20507negiThe real AGashindiaarchak
  • This forum is open for everyone to voice their views on Football. People are bound to have an opinion whether they like something or dislike  positive or negative. It is an open platform for fans - they are fully entitled for that.

    I have criticised ISL and supported I-League a lot in the past. But do I have any right to stop anyone from praising ISL ? NO!!! I fully respect opinion of other person and his right to oppose my viewpoint.

    @Domnic ;  No need to stop commenting mate.
    BrainFallINDIACarbon_14ArsenalFan700SOCCER4klgoalkeepargaffertapeRav92thebeautifulgameDXashindiaand 4 others.
  • @mohammed_87hassan ok , fair enough 
    no more visit on this particular thread here after.. 

    and dont say IFN is not big enough to have impact 
    it is part of Social network,anything on social network can make big impact
  • Rav92Rav92 Kolkata1660 Points
    I find @Domnic very composed on his review. He mentioned the poor side of the team as well as the strong side of the team. Unlike others he doesn't use any harsh word for the team rather he criticize the team in a constructive way. I can't argue with a man who watched the match live.So Its good to stay away from a matter which I am not aware of. @munna219777 thanks bro, you always make sense in your comments. A responsible Admin  :)
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