Fan pages, facebook groups and SPECIFIC fan club members have the best information, especially transfer related. No, or can beat'em. I say this from first hand experience of having interacted with them in person.<br>
Fan pages, facebook groups and SPECIFIC fan club members have the best information, especially transfer related. No, or can beat'em. I say this from first hand experience of having interacted with them in person.<br>
<br><div><br></div><div>Yes, that's what I have been doing, getting news from the horse's mouth and aparently the news is pretty pretty dang good </div>
I personally met with a bunch of fan club honchos and some officials, you get a far better understanding of the why's and the ground realities. Whenever I try to raise the lack of corporate like professionalism in these clubs citing Dempo or Pune FC, they give me a very logical explanation as to why these clubs can only go up to a certain level of corporate culture and can never be a dempo or pune. I have been recounted first hand experiences of some of the Bengali player in Goan clubs, the way these clubs are run in Chinese communist party dictatorship style where one person has say over everything which includes closing the club down because of reasons best known to him, a great e.g would be how Micky pacheco handled Franxa, <br><br>Calcutta clubs are way more democratic institutions of heritage than these upcoming clubs sprouting in specific parts of the country on private interest. Calcutta clubs receive money from the state which these clubs don't. Closing down a calcutta club is an unthinkable but these club owners can shut shop any day and move to a different sport say basketball which has greater following in their region.<br>
Another likely feather in East Bengal's cap. Reading FC have written to East Bengal about a possible tie up to help each other grow
very exciting news. Hope we can play against them in preseason that ll boost our confidence for the rest of the season and a good result their means lots of pride.
Learning points highlighted by Trevor Morgan for East Bengal players from Euro 2012 stars.<br><br><br><br>1. Pay greater attention to off the ball positioning<br>2. Almost every team member dons a defensive hat once they loose the ball to the opponent<br>3. Mehtab should closely watch Nigel De Jong and think about incorporating points learnt from closely watching his game<br>4. Robin Singh should do the same with Ibrahamovic and Baljit Saini with Danny Wellbeck.<br><br>TJM's bets : Germany, Spain, Netherlands, France with the English for the fifth spot.<br>
Learning points highlighted by Trevor Morgan for East Bengal players from Euro 2012 stars.<br><br><br><br>1. Pay greater attention to off the ball positioning<br>2. Almost every team member dons a defensive hat once they loose the ball to the opponent<br>3. Mehtab should closely watch Nigel De Jong and think about incorporating points learnt from closely watching his game<br>4. Robin Singh should do the same with Ibrahamovic and Baljit Saini with Danny Wellbeck.<br><br>TJM's bets : Germany, Spain, Netherlands, France with the English for the fifth spot.<br>
<br><div><br></div><div>This is off topic but does this prove that he is staying on as coach?</div>
<br><div><br></div><div>This is off topic but does this prove that he is staying on as coach?</div>
<br><br>He mailed the pre season schedule to EB football secretary yesterday. He is scheduled to land in Calcutta via a Singapore airlines flight on July 8th and start practice july 10th onwards. There were other specific details like playing 5 practice games before participating in any major tournament etc. which I am omitting.
<br><div><br></div><div>Yes, that's what I have been doing, getting news from the horse's mouth and aparently the news is pretty pretty dang good
<br><div><br></div><div>This is off topic but does this prove that he is staying on as coach?</div>
<br><br>He mailed the pre season schedule to EB football secretary yesterday. He is scheduled to land in Calcutta via a Singapore airlines flight on July 8th and start practice july 10th onwards. There were other specific details like playing 5 practice games before participating in any major tournament etc. which I am omitting.