I think England played really well .. given how they are crippled with injury and Rooney ban. They needed a point against France and they got it. France infact wasted their chances. They very well had the idea how England are going to approach the game.<br>But the highlight of the day was <b>Ukraine 2 - 1 Sweden</b> ... Shevchenko was terrific .. he is 35 yrs, scored 2 goals against likes of Sweden and inspired the team through out the game.<br>
<p>So on wikipedia the main users who edit the Football articles have gathered for a Euro game. Basically the country that goes the farthest in the cup wins. </p><p> </p><p>I was given GREECE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!</p>
Country wit d best league in d world plays dis way?
<br><div><br></div><div>That's their style! </div>