<span style="font-weight: normal; ">@Aruncito If you want to embed a video from youtube, you have to remove '</span><b>&feature...' </b>from the url and break the hyperlink<div><font color="#ff2908" face="Geneva, 'Lucida Sans Unicode', tahoma, sans-serif" size="2"><span style="border-style: initial; border-color: initial; border-image: initial; outline-style: initial; outline-color: initial; line-height: 18px; text-align: left; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);">
this video has been shared earlier..its almost an year old..the boys had just joined IMG then...look at their current pics and you will see that they have really grown <br>
<font face="Arial, Verdana" size="2">How about having a practice match between winner of </font>
<font face="Arial, Verdana" size="2">U20 I-league and the final team of India's U-16? This would be a cheap way of preparing for championship.</font>
<font face="Arial, Verdana" size="2">U20 I-league and the final team of India's U-16? This would be a cheap way of preparing for championship.</font>