I-League 2018–19



  • DXDX 4074 Points
    Waiting for Anti India chants in the stadium... I hope AIFF has the spine warns or if it continues debar the club.

    Politics should be kept away from Sports, but won't be surprised if it happens there 
  • deepak dedhadeepak dedha Ghar2914 Points
    I would like to disagree to the fact that all Kashmiris hate Indians and its something that I have personally experienced. During my B.Tech days our college used to provide scholarship to Kashmiri students and because of that our college had around 2000 kashmiri students. Infact there were 5 kashmiris alone in my class of 37 students. And lets me tell you none of those 5 people ever showed a sign of hatred toward fellow Indians. To this date im still in contact with 4 of them and 1 of them is my best friend who also have an Indian gf. 

    Once I asked my kashmiri best friend that whats the deal with supporting pakistani team and he told me that in his own family his mother supports Pakistan and his dad supports India while he himself was an England team fan. He also told me the reason why his mom supports pakistan team was because she feel culturally more close to Pakistani team than Indian team and its the same reason for most of the people out there.

    Also I had  chat with another kashmiri who was also my good friend. One day he was looking sad and down so I asked him whats the matter. First he tried to brush me off but after sometime he told me that his mother was crying when he was talking to her on the phone. So I asked him why , he told me that his younger brother was going down wrong path ( probably planning onto joining hurriyat ) then he went onto saying that he failed to set an example to his family and village. Although he did manage to get his brother back on track. He also told me that its a wrong perception among Indian population that all kashmiris are extremists and only as little as 5% population ( mostly inculding poor and illiterate population and he himself belong to one such area ) around border region holds that view.

    P.S : The second guy i talked about was a die hard Indian music lover and Cricket team fan. Right now he is in Chennai and has made a lot of friends there too.
    Also i did manage to bump into few kashmiris who had extreme views against Indains but categorising them all as one would be wrong.
    I could also share pictures if you guys still dont believe.
  • samsam 16695 Points
    Why do you write, your kashmiri friend has Indian gf? Isn't he Indian himself according to you?
  • deepak dedhadeepak dedha Ghar2914 Points
    edited October 2018
    Just imagine if i had written " my indan friend has indian gf " wouldn't it be confusing to read. I had to make clear distinction so that people on forum could understand what i m talking about. Nonetheless they are all India to me. 
  • deepak dedhadeepak dedha Ghar2914 Points
    Also why do we all feel it normal to call people from bengal to be bengalis, punjab to be punjabis, Goa to be Goan and so on but have problem calling people from kashmir to be kashmiris. No offence but dont we all pateronize way to much when we have so many other issuses that need better attention.
  • deepak dedhadeepak dedha Ghar2914 Points
    Also i feel it would be better to make this conversation on a relevant thread.
  • AshishKaulAshishKaul Ancient India1127 Points
    hehe  >:) Devil's in the room 
  • goalkeepargoalkeepar Turkish occupied Cyprus30022 Points
    Only the kashmiri Muslims are anti India, the ladakh n Jammu Muslims are pro India. We saw how Pakistani proxy's like LeT killed thousands of pundits on Kashmir n changed the demographics. IFN member @AshishKaul is one of the victims. 
  • Chennai City FC vs Indian Arrows LIVE on SS3 from 4:50 PM onwards on Oct 26
  • thebeautifulgamethebeautifulgame Durgapur,India30841 Points
    Please shift these discussions to the "Online Chatting" thread
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