
  • Nehru Cup league stage India VS Cameroon player performance stats

    FMps means Forced mispass, wherein the player had to mispass under pressure, primarily from opponent players
    UFMps means Unforced mispass wherein the player mispassed under no pressure whatsoever. This number is very cruci
    al towards understanding player performance, more so if the team formation is predominantly passing game keeping ball on the ground.
    WPMps means mispass due to wrong positioning of destination(pass expecting) player, rarely happens
    TBSFail means Tackling/Blocking/Snatching not attempted/failed, gives an estimate as to how a player is faring in defensive duties, how easily is he allowing the opponent's piercing runs towards the goalmouth, only egregious ones noted. Understandably players in offence will have relatively smaller numbers compared to players with defensive duties.
    TBSSucc means successful TBSAtmpt
    SHAtmpt means Shooting/heading attempts
    SHSucc means successful SHAtmpt

  • aiff should atleast allow free entry to children for the finals

  • AdminAdmin 240 Points
    edited September 2012

    Nehru Cup Finals 2012 – India vs Cameroon : A Tactical preview

    Nehru Cup Finals 2012 – India vs Cameroon : A Tactical preview

    Strengths # 1: Cameroon’s most attacking moves are through the flanks -

    Strengths # 2: Cameroon’s speedy counter attacks

    Strengths # 3: Cameroon’s off-the-ball runs and corners

    Vulnerabilities # 1: Cameroon’s poor handling of aerial threats

    Vulnerabilities # 2: Certain weaknesses in the defensive line

    Vulnerabilities # 3: Over aggressive wing backs

    Other factors: Ground conditions

  • > rudra said:
    > > 

    How can the players adjust into a new style in a month or so? In general, apart from nabi, very few Indians can slot into the overlapping wing back role, in i league the wing backs normally are more defensive, we dont really see ful fledged attack by them

    i feel most of the team except denzil and nirmal have got into the passing football groove ..... they both lack the self confidence to pass the ball to the feet and directly hoof the ball, whereas others are atleast trying their best to pass on the ground

  • RonnyRonny 10488 Points

    weather update from Delhi-Not raining since 2 days..Best of luck to the Blue Tigers :)

  • it rained a little today.> Ronny said:

    weather update from Delhi-Not raining since 2 days..Best of luck to the Blue Tigers :)

    it rained a little today.

  • > rudra said:
    > > Arsenalkid700 said:
    > > > rudra said:
    > > > > sanvedjadhav
    > > > > @rudra.... denzil was no doubt better than nirmal,but going forward he is totally clueless..... we need a quality rightback ..... defense wise both are similar.....denzil is quick though..... sry to say but none of them has adjusted to wim's style of play :-(

    > > >

    How can the players adjust into a new style in a month or so? In general, apart from nabi, very few Indians can slot into the overlapping wing back role, in i league the wing backs normally are more defensive, we dont really see ful fledged attack by them

    > >
    > >

    Did I ever tell you are great at giving analysis.

    Wait till morning (India time), spent whole day watching Cameroon vs Nepal, Syria, Maldives...India vs Cameroon tactical preview coming up in IFN blog! Must Read for Wim!!! :P


    lively and  interesting analysis.. the pictures are a added benefit

  • A gem of analysis @rudra. I liked the way you present the analysis.

  • SnepSnep 277 Points

    Denzil   Mangi   Raju   Nabi


    Anthony/Perrera  Francis/Clifford


      Robin/Manddep Chhetri
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