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  • goalkeepargoalkeepar Turkish occupied Cyprus30019 Points
    In recent Wion interview Igor Stamic also told that his one city (Zagreb) alone has 100+ gold medals in Olympic with just 2 million population while whole india has 40+ gold medals with 1.4 billion population, he blamed Indian inferior genetics for this and also confirmed why india will never be able to play in world cup unless we get mix blood (PIOs) players with foreign genes to play for india.
  • samsam 16695 Points

    Former Indian footballer Waseem passes away

    Brother of Olympian SS Hakim, Waseem was one of the finest stopper backs of the erstwhile Andhra Pradesh and India
  • The real AGThe real AG 3324 Points
    That should make you happy @goalkeepar You have been telling everyone for years that Indians can’t play football because of our genes.

    If verifiable proof exits of Stimac saying that, no other reason is needed to kick the MF out.
  • thebeautifulgamethebeautifulgame Durgapur,India30830 Points

    Utter stupidity-this chap is less of a football coach & more of a dumb political advisor. Thank God he did not advise India to invade Croatia. This stupid (fellow) must know that if India implements Dual Citizenship,then half of Bangladesh & Pakistan would become dual citizens of India :p  :p

  • SamyajitSamyajit Kolkata1246 Points
    Beg to differ about citizenship rules. No Bangladeshi or Pakistani would become dual citizen. OCI strictly excludes subcontinentals.
  • ashindiaashindia 9549 Points
    edited May 2020
    This unwanted gang up on Igor stimac regarding inclusion of PIO/OCI doesnt make sense to me. Yes the law is complicated but not impossible to change.

    With current structure of the game in country, talent pool and people working at the helm he has every right to try to make a competitive team that can atleast qualify for Asia Cup in 2023.
  • goalkeepargoalkeepar Turkish occupied Cyprus30019 Points
    @The real AG I am very happy that Igor agrees with me and has conformed india doesn't have the footballing gene on Wion interview, and I totally agree with him finally a coach who has guts to speak truth, india is not going anywhere with out pio/oci players. our football is set to degrade more as Bangladesh and Maldives overtake as.
  • I agree with our coach.. We need pio/oci to even have a sniff at qualifying for 2026 WC..which I believe even with them we can't. And those who keeps saying we should look at our own talent pool and grassroots well to them I would say you can wait for the next 100-150 years to even beat a team like Japan or South korea regularly. Why not try pio now maybe if we fail atleast we can say we tried.. 
  • nikhilnikhil blru548 Points
    @goalkeepar pio/ oic would be game changer right cause they're European African mix genes😁 . So GOI should ammend the law to compensate AIFF incompetency.How about a longer and open league, better grassroot structure for a change.
  • SiVSiV 1853 Points
    edited May 2020
    Genes - not acceptable..  Itz the education culture..  Ask croatia to match our guys in education or cricket where the best talent goes ..  
    Arab genes settled in kerala & TN..  In kerala they r called maapilas.  The Chera king was so impressed the honesty & efficiency of these Arab traders & gave them domicile,  matrimonial settlement here . Salah genes?

     Same with Pandya kings who allowed Arabs to settle down south,  who provided him with horses, cavalry to fight 
    Syrian Christians have settled down in kerala... 

    U have proto australoid genes as well as negro genes both mixed & seperate in AP,  TN & Karnataka 

    Then there are Mediterranean race..  Late Persians settled in Hyderabad..Iran,  Iraq genes all over the country   they can't play? 

     Turks all over the country in the medieval period... Turks can't play,  ozil ? Armenians came & settled here...  During medieval period the  King's brought the best talented warriors,  skilled artisans from Asia & everyone has settled here..  Tatz when indian economy was at itz peak & everyone wanted to come here & settle down..  

    The European race,  the caucasoids have settled down in Northern india..  Same genes..   
    Nordics -  the beautiful race in mangalore, kashmir etc..  

    Mongoloid genes in North East...  Japan & South Koreans not able to play?  

    India is a melting pot of all genes dude.  It was like usa of current times earlier with all best talents migrating here 

    Itz the football culture noe...  People are just not interested & better options..  U show them a safe career option,  or show them a role model (top global footballer)  to follow,  they will come & play...  

    Just like how Gavaskar or Sachin inspired in generation...   They told that time,  Indian genes,  climate & food not suitable for fast bowling..  Now see the no of fast bowlers above 140 kmph..  India U19 fast bowlers nagarkoti,  shivam mavi gave sleepless nights to Aussie batsman in u19 world cup..  

    Show them the money,  or bring a top down model by playing PIO s   qualify for world cup,  role models etc & u will know Wat the genes can do

    nikhilgaffertapegiridharanThe real AGsouravindiamasefieldtheoilfieldarunskumardeepak dedhaBabertokartik91
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