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  • EastBengalPrideEastBengalPride India9305 Points
    edited May 2020
    Asians suck at football, how many World Cups have a Korea or Japan won? Can ACL champions consistently beat UCL champions? And they have World class infrastructure, youth development, etc for many decades. It's the genes. Unlike India, football is extremely popular in Japan and Korea, the leagues are professionally run, right down to the lower levels. Hum Asians se na ho payega. Don't need foreigners in Indian passports. 
  • goalkeepargoalkeepar Turkish occupied Cyprus30019 Points
    @nikhil no one is changing the passport rules only the Govt of india will give a latter to FIFA stating that India allows OCI card holders to reprent India, thats it no one is changing any constitution even with that you guys have problem then I hope you keep enjoying losses to Maldives and Bangladesh and nepal and Pakistan in future.
  • goalkeepargoalkeepar Turkish occupied Cyprus30019 Points
    @SiV all those Migration happened hundreds of years back even thousands, the Aryan football gene got diluted in india after they intermixed with local population while Aryans of Iran still retained there footballing gene, while other migrants from Iraqi Jews,Arabs, Armenians,Africans,Anglo indians were so small in numbers they left india or rest are not interested in football, while Turks migrated in big numbers during munghal era but most of them intermixed and diluted there gene, while the Persians (Parsis and Iranis) are the only one in who mostly have not mixed but they are more interested in Business then football, Sahal has some descent dribbling skills as 60-70% of his genes are Arab, while a player like Chhetri is a rare genetic Mutation, there are lot of mutants like chhetri in india in our 1.3 billion population but finding them is like finding needle in haystack I hope govt dose mess genetic testing during next census to find the mutant's 
    gaffertapeSiVThe real AGdeepak dedha
  • AshishKaulAshishKaul Ancient India1127 Points

    It's easier than you think. Guess what I am a Greek not surprising since they ruled the territory right next to my house 😉
  • thebeautifulgamethebeautifulgame Durgapur,India30830 Points

    It is a Supreme Court ruling since 2010 and considering our perilous border situation, rules can't be relaxed for one game. If it is for all games it will be chaotic and lead to maybe infiltration of terrorists. Constantine was told the same in 2016

    Shaji Prabhakaran

    Coach is unnecessary wasting his time focusing on PIO. He can't change the law of the land. He should rather focus on current set of players. Sadly, as any other foreign coach he is also thinking short term.…
  • goalkeepargoalkeepar Turkish occupied Cyprus30019 Points
    Dumb oldies, Igor has not asked to change any rules only asked govt to give FIFA approval to allow OCI card holders to play for india. 
  • nikhilnikhil blru548 Points
    @goalkeepar Okay let's agree just a govt consent is needed but will any govt take that risk as it can create a negative PR foreigners vs natives narrative. Also will there be a cap on oic. What if state association too started asking for quotas to AIFF. True players can be convinced to represent india and also quality will improve. But it can also lead to a Pandora box of lot issues.
  • mohammed_87hassanmohammed_87hassan Sumeet Passin FC Jupiter10492 Points
    The reason we suck at sport is nobody takes sport seriously in our country. Most Olympic medalist probably start training very early at around 6-8 years. In India parents don't support kids playing sports. Also the infrastructure and system in place is terrible.

    And everything is corrupted, politics plays a major part in selections and wins in state level and big age frauds are present at every sport including cricket so people who actually deserve get left out.

    I don't think Stimac talked about genetics @goalkeepar just added masala to his comments. Even then we are a land famous for Kushti and Fighting in general but still struggle to dominate those aspects in world. 

    I doubt even the government or people in charge care about sports in general. They'd only help out and give awards when someone wins. Nobody supports or funds sportsmen before an event. Even if they get some financial support corrupt officials take maximum benefit out from it. 

    A lot of officials across India travel with families when a particular sports team or person has any event abroad with the funds allotted for the sport. They live in 5 star facilities while the sportsmen have to adjust living in low quality surroundings.
    SiVThe real AG
  • samsam 16695 Points
    What about the futsal tourney in Aug?
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