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  • munna219777munna219777 28557 Points

      OCI card has stringent conditions. Most of these footballer PIOs like roy krishna, Onid Singh, Aryn Williams will fail to get OCI card. OCI card is not given to any random Singh and kumar !!!

    Till date 32 lakh people have recieved OCI card. There are around 3 crore people of full or partial indian ancestry living outside india. It is not like I am Patel from Durban or Raju from Fiji, take OCI.

    giridharanthebeautifulgamemasefieldtheoilfielddeepak dedha
  • munna219777munna219777 28557 Points

    AIFF Masters course and CAT
    Course fees is 15 lakh rupees

  • giridharangiridharan Washington D.C4196 Points
    Completely agree.But for people who are eligible for OCI whoever has immediate parents from India. They are eligible.

    I wonder if our govt can allow a bill for OCI to represent India only for sports category. I mean if terrorism is a threat, then can't they have a law. OCI can only come in and get immediate citizenship/permission to play for India only for sports. I mean sports is almost a trillion dollar industry in developed country. Our govt should be able to find middle ground somewhere right ?
  • munna219777munna219777 28557 Points
    edited May 2020

    Then many people will come.Doctors, artists, businessman professors - everyone will say that their contribution is vital. This will open pandora's box.

    Parents or grandparents were Indian citizen after 1950 then one is eligible for OCI.

    I was once a moderator at one immigration forum, i have seen and read about how people get denied for OCI status.

    They will need to prove the indian citizenship of parent / grandparent, address proof in india, marriage certificate of them, prove that they were not pakistan / bangladesh and then they were born to them. :D:smiley:

    Anglo indians are denied as their paperwork said overseas british empire which they used to emigrate Australia. Denied 

    If someone has taken refugee status in foreign country , they and their future generations are denied OCI.

    Police case, OCI denied.

    Fiji, Trinidad, Suriname PIOs will struggle to prove that their grandparents came from this region of india on this ship :D :D and then they are indeed their grandchildren to get OCI. Then were they indian citizen after 1950 ?? Denied

    Bottom Line is that Stimac has zero idea about constitution and laws of india. Even if government say that lets allow OCI card dual citizenship, most of PIO footballers are ineligible to get OCI card.  You will not be getting the footballers you are thinking even if govt change their policy.

  • SamyajitSamyajit Kolkata1246 Points
    PIO is too broad a term. But OCI people should be encouraged to represent India. However, nothing justifies our neglect for infrastructure.
    The real AGgoalkeeparashindiamunna219777giridharankartik91
  • goalkeepargoalkeepar Turkish occupied Cyprus30019 Points
    @mohammed_87hassan let me bust your bubble watch this video carefully Igor clearly says Indians have weak genetics he even compares Olympic results, 
  • goalkeepargoalkeepar Turkish occupied Cyprus30019 Points
    @munna219777 thats what, only a foreigner who can obtain OCI card can play for india not any random Singh or Kumar
  • EastBengalPrideEastBengalPride India9305 Points
    Omid Singh's father apparently holds Indian passport, he might already be an OCI card holder for all we know. 
  • atuljgatuljg Trivandrum3986 Points
    There are 1.3 billion plus Indian citizens and the government will only try to reduce the population by denying citizenship and OCI cards. 
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