As the All India Football Federation announced that Bengaluru FC will be taking the AFC Cup playoff spot on Thursday, there was confusion and questions galore among fans. It came as a surprise since it was earlier reported that Chennaiyin FC, who lost to ATK in the Indian Super league final, would be the team making the Asian sojourn.
It appears, AIFF, as they have many times over the past few years, had shot themselves in the foot once again with their lack of clarity and off the cuff remarks. At the start of the season there were three Asian spots up for grabs after the restructuring of the league with the blessing of the AFC, which saw the Indian Super League becoming the top division of the country.
The AFC Champions League group stage spot was allotted for the ISL league phase winners, the AFC Cup group stage berth to the I-League winners and the AFC Cup play-off spot for the ISL final winner, under special dispensation from the AFC.
BFC’s AFC spot is legitimate
As the All India Football Federation announced that Bengaluru FC will be taking the AFC Cup playoff spot on Thursday, there was confusion and questions galore among fans. It came as a surprise since it was earlier reported that Chennaiyin FC, who lost to ATK in the Indian Super league final, would be the team making the Asian sojourn.
It appears, AIFF, as they have many times over the past few years, had shot themselves in the foot once again with their lack of clarity and off the cuff remarks. At the start of the season there were three Asian spots up for grabs after the restructuring of the league with the blessing of the AFC, which saw the Indian Super League becoming the top division of the country.
The AFC Champions League group stage spot was allotted for the ISL league phase winners, the AFC Cup group stage berth to the I-League winners and the AFC Cup play-off spot for the ISL final winner, under special dispensation from the AFC.
We should create a fan theory thread so that normal people don't get to read this shit on an important thread.