Bengaluru FC Season 2013-14



  • <img src=""><br><br>If any Bengaluru fans watching this space..don't forget to join our's going to be awesome...<br><br>

    <br><div><br></div><div>the only negative thing about this is promotion of drinking alcohol, anyways nice approach, they should try for family food joints.<br><br></div>
  • DomnicDomnic 2309 Points
    They should start providing beer at the stadiums. Automatic increase in spectators. Beer is good for health.<br> :D
  • namewtheldnamewtheld Kolkata5665 Points
    What if 6000 turned up at the Brewing company? Hey would surely have had a situation at hand
  • 'An article about Bengaluru FC in ""<br><br><h1>Bengaluru FC: A new hope for Indian Football</h1><p><br></p><br><p>It was a Sunday morning like no other. For once, European football wasn’t the foremost thing on my mind. Instead, the <em>OOTB</em> boys were going to make a trip to the stadium to (finally) watch our <a title="home" href="">home</a>-town club.</p>
    <p>Bengaluru FC is the newest addition to Indian football, and one that
    has taken the most professional approach yet. The attraction the club
    has drawn, the excitement it has created is unmatched in most of India
    and especially the city of Bangalore (aka Bengaluru). The city, which
    has always had a strong football following, finally has a football club
    of its own.</p>
    <p>The most frequently asked question about Indian football is “There
    are a billion people, surely eleven can get together and form a decent
    team?” Well as we all know, it isn’t that easy. But given that there are
    a billion people, there is bound to be a strong following for the
    “World game”, despite it being a cricket-loving nation. The city of
    Bangalore itself has always had good football support. From pubs, to
    sports cafes, to your very own couch, and onto social media post-match,
    football has always been discussed among the masses in the city of
    Bangalore. I, for one, have been a football follower nearly all my life.
    This despite growing up in a cricket-loving environment. Football came
    to me much before cricket did; in fact cricket never came to me and I
    intend to keep it that way. But like me, most other football fans in
    Bangalore, or indeed India, will probably name all of Chelsea’s recent
    managers (a sizable feat given the revolving managerial door at the
    Bridge), they will also probably name all of Manchester United’s top
    scorers over the last few seasons, they would have no hesitation in
    outlining Real Madrid’s tactical game plan against Barcelona, and
    they’ll all understand jokes based on Luis Suarez biting Branislav
    Ivanovic. This is the common trend of football support in India, the
    traditional Premier League big four and the Spanish giants are greatly
    followed and adored by millions. Ask these same people the defending
    I-League champions, and you’re bound to get blank faces.</p>
    <p>One can’t blame them though; it’s difficult for domestic Indian
    football to grow when European leagues are given so much exposure.
    There’s a good chance you’ll catch Crystal Palace taking on Hull City
    live on ESPN, but the opening day of the I-League this season wasn’t
    telecast anywhere. The preference to watch European football is also
    understandable, the level of football and the competition is unmatched
    in the World. But while watching Liverpool play Manchester United at <a title="home" href="">home</a>;
    or in a Sports cafe is immensely gratifying, watching a game unfold
    live in front of your eyes with fellow supporters is an entirely
    different experience. It is this aspect of football support that was
    lacking among Bangaloreans, and it is this exact void that JSW’s
    Bengaluru FC is attempting to fill (and doing a good job of it).</p>
    <p>The market for football has always been there; but for most of the
    individuals who could afford to tap the market, didn’t find it
    profitable enough to do so. Jindal Steel Works (JSW) did take that leap
    of faith and delivered to Bangaloreans their very own football club.
    We’ve seen the togetherness and faithful support Indians have (just like
    those in Europe) for their respective clubs, in the popular Indian
    Premier League (cricket). Despite not being a cricket fan, watching
    Royal Challengers Bangalore at the stadium was an experience to savour. I
    naturally compared it to what Dortmund’s intimidating and passionate
    support, or Liverpool’s faithful kopites but the sense of togetherness
    in football is a whole different playing field.</p>
    <p>This is what I have been able to experience with Bengaluru FC. A
    football stadium that has long been deserted is filled with support,
    stands that have never been occupied are now packed week after week, the
    lowly gloom over the pitch at the Bangalore Football Stadium has been
    lifted as thousands of fans sing in praise of Ashley Westwood, or
    celebrate ex-Middlesbrough man John Johnson’s deadly headers. The
    constant “BFC” chants remind the players that unlike most of the games
    they’ve played in Bangalore, they’re now accompanied by thousands of
    onlookers for this one. The excitement and popularity around a football
    club in Bangalore is a dream come true.</p>
    <p>When I made the trip for my first Bengaluru FC game (and the club’s
    second ever encounter) vs Rangdajied United, I did so in an
    auto-rickshaw. We were met by a huge crowd gathered outside the stadium
    waiting to enter the stadium. The rickshaw driver has probably passed by
    the stadium a thousand times without paying any attention. This was the
    first time he witnessed a crowd and what seemed to be an abandoned
    building for an outsider; decked in blue and white, the stadium now
    stood out, images of Bengaluru FC all over and eager fans beaming with
    excitement. It prompted him to ask me what exactly was going on. When I
    explained that there was a Bangalore match, he seemed perplexed; “Isn’t
    the cricket stadium all the way on the other end” he probably thought.
    It was then that I had to explain to him that the city finally had a
    football club. This is an example of the popularity of the sport. It is
    well and truly the talk of the town, and for once it isn’t cricket.
    Young 6-7 years olds are making trips to the stadium, chanting (Sean)
    Rooney and Sunil Chhetri’s names. The popularity of an Indian football
    club among young kids is rare for the country, something that was
    missing from the previous generation. But the next generation of
    football fans will have “FC Barcelona and Bengaluru FC fan” in their <a title="twitter" href="">twitter</a>; handles. This is where football in the country is headed.</p>
    <p>There has been a raging debate in Sports circles in India about why football hasn’t ever really grown? India is <a title="home" href="">home</a>;
    to the 3rd oldest football tournament in the World, but where did it
    all go wrong? Below-par infrastructure, lack of importance, red-tapism
    etc have all been cited as possible reasons for failure. But when you
    realise that a country like Afghanistan can win a football tournament
    with nothing more than passion and commitment, all excuses are just
    that- excuses. Before trying to qualify for a World Cup, before trying
    to attract big names, Indian first needs to clean up its domestic game.
    It needs more professionally set up clubs in the line of Bengaluru FC,
    Pune FC, Mumbai FC along with the already well set-up clubs like Mohun
    Bagan & East Bengal. The intense promotion being done across the
    city by Bengaluru FC is what every club should do. Raising the
    popularity of the sport among the masses will bring the biggest change
    to football in the country. More sponsors, better players, better
    coaches and ultimately a better national team, all will divulge out of
    professionally run clubs with good fan support and thriving youth
    <p>Bengaluru FC is sitting pretty at the top of the I-League with superb
    displays on the football pitch, but they’ve set the real bench mark off
  • archakarchak 2082 Points
    A Fan just messaged bengaluru fc to know if rooney was fit and they took his number only and Sean called him to tell about the news... Nice work by bfc
  • @chelseaindia, that is a nice article by the fan. Exactly the same as we the passionate fans think.
  • A Fan just messaged bengaluru fc to know if rooney was fit and they took his number only and Sean called him to tell about the news... Nice work by bfc
    they don't go out of ideas. Unbelevable management team behind it.
  • ArsenalFan700ArsenalFan700 Reddit13655 Points
    A Fan just messaged bengaluru fc to know if rooney was fit and they took his number only and Sean called him to tell about the news... Nice work by bfc
    That is actually pretty sick... like wow! :D
  • pretty freaking amazing, keep it up Bangalore.
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