Indian Super League Season 1



  • footydipfootydip Ranaghat, Nadia, West Bengal2722 Points
    Date team a vs team b ( venue )
    12 th oct : kolkata vs Mumbai ( kol)
    13 th : bengalueu vs goa ( beng)
    14 th : kochi vs guahati ( kochi)
    15 th : delhi vs pune ( delhi)
    16 th : Mumbai vs Bengaluru ( mum)
    17 th : Goa vs Kolkata ( goa)
    18 th : pune vs kochi ( pune)
    19th : guahati vs delhi ( guahati)
    21 st : kochi vs Bengaluru ( kochi )
    22nd : kolkata vs Delhi ( kolkata)
    23 rd : Goa vs Pune ( goa)
    24 th: Mumbai vs guahati ( mum)
    25th : kochi vs kolkata ( kochi)
    26th : bengaluru vs Delhi ( beng)
    27 th : pune vs Mumbai ( pune)
    28 th : goa vs guahati ( goa)
    30 th : Mumbai vs kochi ( mum)
    31st : delhi vs goa ( delhi)
    1st November : pune vs kolkata ( pune)
    2nd : guahati vs Bengaluru ( guahati)
    3rd : mumbai vs goa ( mum)
    just first column over
  • footydipfootydip Ranaghat, Nadia, West Bengal2722 Points
    4th November : kochi vs delhi ( kochi)
    5th : pune vs guahati (pune)
    6th : kolkata vs bengaluru (kol)
    7th: Delhi vs Mumbai (Delhi)
    8th : goa vs kochi ( goa)
    9th : Bengaluru vs pune ( beng)
    10th : guahati vs kolkata ( guahati)
    11th : kochi vs mumbai ( kochi)
    12 th : goa vs delhi ( goa)
    13 th : Bengaluru vs guahati ( Bengaluru)
    14th : kolkata vs Pune ( kolkata)
    15th : Mumbai vs Delhi ( Mumbai)
    16th : Kochi vs Goa ( kochi)
    17th : kolkata vs guahati ( kolkata)
    18th : pune vs Bengaluru ( pune)
    20th : guahati vs Mumbai ( guahati)
    21st : pune vs goa ( pune)
    22nd : Delhi vs kolkata ( delhi)
    23 rd : bengaluru vs kochi ( Bengaluru)
    25th : guahati vs pune ( guahati)
    26th: delhi vs kochi ( delhi)
  • footydipfootydip Ranaghat, Nadia, West Bengal2722 Points
    27th November : goa vs Mumbai ( goa)
    28th : bengaluru vs kolkata ( Bengaluru)
    29th : kochi vs pune ( kochi)
    30 th : delhi vs guahati ( delhi)
    1st December : kolkata vs goa ( kolkata)
    2nd : bengaluru vs mumbai ( bengaluru)
    4th : pune vs Delhi ( pune)
    5th: guahati vs kochi ( guahati)
    6th : goa vs Bengaluru ( goa)
    7th : Mumbai vs kolkata ( Mumbai)
    9th : Guahati vs Goa ( Guahati)
    9th : Delhi vs Bengaluru ( delhi)
    10th : Mumbai vs Pune ( Mumbai)
    10th : Kochi vs Kolkata ( Kochi)
  • footydipfootydip Ranaghat, Nadia, West Bengal2722 Points
    Semifinals :
    13 th and 16 th ( two match each day Home and Away basis)
    Final :
    20th December at neutral venue
  • ArsenalFan700ArsenalFan700 Reddit13655 Points
    Why the hell is there a game everyday! TV ratings and crowds are going to be SHIT!!!
  • goalkeepargoalkeepar Turkish occupied Cyprus30019 Points
    @footydip thanks for translating really appreciated. I want to see goa vs Kolkata rivery in ISL
  • 7negi7negi India10890 Points
    Rumours of an imminent move to the Indian Super League for Juventuslegend Alessandro Del Piero have gathered pace after he revealed he is weighing up two offers to continue his playing
  • ArsenalFan700ArsenalFan700 Reddit13655 Points
    Yay for Del Piero but can he play a game every 2-3 days? I mean, why not do Tuesday/Wednesday and Saturday/Sunday. 2 games each day, 4 games a round. You can easily get 18 rounds in 2-3 months. Maybe you would have to expand the length of the league a bit but it is still possible!
  • gaffertapegaffertape 13047 Points
    NE Utd Games :
    1. 14 th : kochi vs guahati ( kochi) 
    2. 19th : guahati vs delhi ( guahati)
    3. 24 th: Mumbai vs guahati ( mum) 
    4. 28 th : goa vs guahati ( goa)
    5. 2nd : guahati vs Bengaluru ( guahati)
    6. 5th : pune vs guahati (pune)
    7. 10th : guahati vs kolkata ( guahati)
    8. 13 th : Bengaluru vs guahati ( Bengaluru)
    9. 17th : kolkata vs guahati ( kolkata)
    10. 20th : guahati vs Mumbai ( guahati)
    11. 25th : guahati vs pune ( guahati) 
    12. 30 th : delhi vs guahati ( delhi)
    13. 5th: guahati vs kochi ( guahati)
    14. 9th : Guahati vs Goa ( Guahati)

    Laughing my arse off...
    Dear Mr Capdevilla ,

    Welcome to the ISL, you will start with a minimum of a 14 hour flight on Air India :) or a 15 + hour journey via Delhi & then an overnight stopover in Bangalore before reaching the wonderful Kochi in Gods own country !
    ( yes it would be quicker to fly to Madrid / Barcelona from Delhi )
    Then you have a similarly gruesome trip back to Gauhati : depart 15th after your recovery session on another 15 hour 2 stop journey to the NE , reaching on the 16th , suitably refreshed to get ready for the game on the 19th 

    Then on the 29th of the same month , you will have a similarly great 12 hour journey from Goa to Guwahati, only to return to the Western parts of India for a game in Pune on the 5th

    But by the end of your Indian adventure , you will have earned enough air miles to get a free trip back to Spain and tell all your mates of this wonderful new league where matches are played everyday 
  • goalkeepargoalkeepar Turkish occupied Cyprus30019 Points
    can David survive this extreme travel I don't think so the oldies are here to get some quick bucks but they are up for a surprise. I hope modi government starts the bullet train project soon then we will have the trains faster then plains
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