Indian Super League Season 1



  • Sunbha123Sunbha123 363 Points
    It gets activated only with your comments
  • hadfadkarhadfadkar 1236 Points
    Goa's franchise in the Indian Super League (ISL) will be called FC Goa, Goa United Bishops FC or Goa Dolphins
  • MaddieMaddie ಮೈಸೂರು(Mysuru) / Canada2978 Points
    FC Goa somehow accecptable ..  but not convinced and rest is whole new level names which is not required... 
  • goalkeepargoalkeepar Turkish occupied Cyprus30019 Points
    fc goa is what I want
  • goalkeepargoalkeepar Turkish occupied Cyprus30019 Points
    I am now sick of fighting with brain washed people let's see what will fail isl or I-league. @sunbha123 for example if I gave u my Mobile which fall and broke due to your fault. should i call the mobile a failed product or should I blame you for braking it. same way I-league is not a failed product but mishandled by aiff which makes it look a failed produced.
  • ArsenalFan700ArsenalFan700 Reddit13655 Points
    The I-League is a failure for more reasons than the AIFF but that does not mean that we could not reform/revamp the league to make it better and correct mistakes from the past. The AIFF and IMG-Reliance however thought against that and just went fully into a brand new league.

    As for Goa... the Dolphins? WTF! What do dolphins have to do with Goa? Just go with FC Goa and be done with it.
  • goalkeepargoalkeepar Turkish occupied Cyprus30019 Points
  • ArsenalFan700ArsenalFan700 Reddit13655 Points
    You also have to put blame on the clubs? Look at the past mistakes of teams like Mohun Bagan, East Bengal etc. What about how the AIFF gave teams like Air India and ONGC chance after chance to become a separate entity but did they do it? No. You also got the fake "professionalism" from Pune FC.

    Who is in charge of the marketing? Who is in charge of the youth development at these clubs? Who is in charge of signing players? THE CLUBS! Of course the AIFF could have been more strict in terms of regulating the I-League and the clubs but the clubs themselves never took initiative and many of them are far from fully-professional at all... if at all.

    Look at United/Prayag United: They had all this money during the 2012-13 season and after one season what happened... the chit fund scandal and all of a sudden all their money was gone and they were financial in the red. Of course it is not there fault fully but where is plan B? That is right, there was no plan B!!! United fucked up by not having a back-up plan and being reliant on one sponsor only.... is that really what we wanted for Indian football?

    I know people here do not believe that the ISL will take Indian football to the next level but please ask yourself, do you guys really truly believe the I-League can do so as well? Everyone here is saying all these things that can be changed in the I-League to make it better yet when someone else does the same for ISL they are not listened to. 

    There is such a massive bias here on both sides, a lot of misinformation, and a complete neglect of realism here on this forum. For the past two days this forum has either been "Pro ISL" or "Pro I-League" when in reality both competitions will most likely not improve Indian football at all! There is no need for these 15 pages of shit if the answer is that both leagues will never take Indian football to the next level... there is just no point.
  • DXDX 4074 Points
    Can they be named Dolphins? Its kinda cute, In fact all ISL team names can be having cute girly names. That will ensure the fairer sex come to the stadiums..
    Its started in kabaddi as well, One team is in pink and for a Kabbadi team wearing pink is so LOL.
  • goalkeepargoalkeepar Turkish occupied Cyprus30019 Points
    pink because of pink city Jaipur
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