On Friday, an attempt to hold a bull fight ‘Dhirio’ in the remote fields of Navelim Sinquetim was foiled by the Margao Police after they got a call on 100 from the locality.
Traditionally known as dhirio, bullfighting is banned under the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (PCA) Act.
More than 50 police personnel were seen guarding the junction area for almost 2 hours on Friday evening. Police arrived early at the site as a result of which the organisers couldn’t kick off their event.
Meanwhile Benaulim MLA Caitu Silva has mixed feelings on stopping of dhirio by the police. “Law is equal for all man, material business, and activity. If the law doesn’t permit and dhiriyo are stopped then there are several other things happening in the State which have no legal sanctity. Those activities need to stop too. Not only dhirio,” said Caitu.
On Friday, an attempt to hold a bull fight ‘Dhirio’ in the remote fields of Navelim Sinquetim was foiled by the Margao Police after they got a call on 100 from the locality.