I-League Vs ISL



  • ArsenalFan700ArsenalFan700 Reddit13655 Points
    I mean, they can? Essel Group have the money
  • kartik91kartik91 Delhi1139 Points
    MFC buying MCFC would be very good actually. With MFC's base and groundwork they already will be placed a lot better than some other teams. Also essel group buying will show positive intention ,conveying they are ready to spend to win!
  • red_devilred_devil kolkata2468 Points
    Ok, now people have started to compare a Mumbai FC post 5 days old with an MCFC post that has not even been up there for 24 hours. How people seem to be so frustrated with ISL.
  • gaffertapegaffertape 13041 Points
    @red_devil it's nothing to do with duration of posts online...
    If there is such a disproportionate difference between total page likes & the posts likes...is a clear indication of paid likes.!

    KEB, MMB and BFC have organise likes...SLFC and also ISL clubs pages have paid likes. .

    It's a bit like the stadium attendance & TRP to claim they are the 3rd best League in the world..

    It's not blind anti-ISL sentiments....it's genuine grievance against the Master software Indian football who are trying to spin a false dawn.
  • red_devilred_devil kolkata2468 Points
    Paid or not..its obvious MCFC has got more reach and popularity than MFC.  MFC has a higher likes to post ratio than that of Man  united and many other European clubs even. So does that make MFC better or dos that signify they have done more "groundwork" than them ? When people start pin pointing minor issues, it just shows the blind anti ISL sentiments. After ISL vs I league, its time for Paid vs organised likes.. !!! wow
  • goalkeepargoalkeepar Turkish occupied Cyprus30016 Points
    all ISL team pages have paid likes
  • coolgagancoolgagan 1109 Points
    Obviously, organic likes are desired. But, I don't understand the problem with sponsored likes?
    At least those who liked the page know that a club named Mumbai City exists.
    Same stands for the stadium attendance. See, Indian football is lacking penetration and awareness. If we can manage stadium attendance by giving few free passes and build the brand, whats the problem? Not everyone is on a free pass. Remember. Mumbai city FC has better PR, sponsorship, stadium attendance even though they play in Navi Mumbai. Imagine if they play in Andheri Stadium. I expect it to be a Blast. That's right in the heart of the city. Easily connected to other parts of the city via Mumbai Local. Dang!
  • NagendraNagendra Rajahmundry, A.P6833 Points

    paid likes is most common now-a-days... why are you highlighting only ISL clubs ??
  • ArsenalFan700ArsenalFan700 Reddit13655 Points
    I know Premier League and MLS sides use paid likes for sure
  • goalkeepargoalkeepar Turkish occupied Cyprus30016 Points
    @Nagendra because we are talking about isl here.
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