Guys! i was seeing all you guys commenting here from last 2 months! bcz i was not able to register for some reason. What insightful and love to to Indian football. Today i was expecting a good result. What a sorry day to start commenting here!
Hope that day will come when we see our I League teams compete well in AFC CL and NT does well.........
2-1 is not bad guys! Stop cursing. We got an away goal so we have still a chance to finsh third. BTW we were never as good as a Turkmenistan or the like of tajikisthan. The perfomance today was poor but this is a new team and the travelling and stuff. Be realistic this Guam team is not that bad. We have never performed well in an away game...
Black tuesday for Indian football. This squad is shit. So, select a better squad for next round of matches or take my round of abuses stephen butt hurt. Give other players a chance and what shit tactics! And the excuse the guy gives is that we dont have required skill set. BC you dont have required skill set as a coach. Proper organization has to be there
ok and again only consolation comes from Chhetri. Keep Chhetri and sack the rest
also sack the coach
Seeing the results, I say we are not as good as anyone..
SO when is next fixture and against whom.