BMC did it, the bucket seats are partially installed in the stadium. BMC is run by Shiv Sena-BJP alliance. And it was Aditya Thackrey, son of Uddhav Thackrey who took the initiative to develop the ground. He is also the current Mumbai District Football Association Chairman and wants to revolutionise the game in Mumbai and Maharashtra.
@ArsenalFan700 The reply to that tweet of Dino Morea is shown there by the MD of the company owning the stadium. He is suggesting "raging events". Lets see what will be the final shape when they will build it. Stadiums are used for cultural events also.
True and from the looks of it, I can see only one actual stand on the right and what looks like a wall on the goal side (like Tilak Maidan Stadium) and then another wall on the other side. So much for being the "Wembley Stadium of India". I still need A LOT more details on this stadium before I begin to believe in it.