Pune FC News



  • DomnicDomnic 2325 Points
    edited December 2013
    So if most of them are 20 years, they will stay for a max of 2 more years unless Pune splashes the money to retain them.

    My doubt was, what will Pune fc gain from this if they hv to splash money to retain their own academy players. Or is it that these guys are on longer contracts for small money??
  • ArsenalFan700ArsenalFan700 Reddit13655 Points
    Well thats the problem isn't it. Most of these academy graduates have only been with Pune for a few years and probably don't hold much attatchment to the club at all. I am sure they would be willing to turn down some offers to stay with Pune as this is the club that made them in the first place but if say Haokip becomes big and by the age of 23 years old has established himself as a Pune starter with say 7-10 goals a season then it will be tough to keep him as guys like East Bengal or Bengaluru FC may come in to sweep him up or... worse... foreign teams.

    It really depends on the players. As the academy develops I expect more of the players to be more attatched to the club and more willing to stay and be a part of the club as long as they make enough to make a living (and perhaps insentives like housing etc).
  • DomnicDomnic 2325 Points
    Its India man, money is of prime importance. Nobody gonna stay for peanuts. And footballers have a short earning span, so they must make the most in those years. This club attachment will not get them anything once they retire.
  • ArsenalFan700ArsenalFan700 Reddit13655 Points
    Ya, Im sorry... I am having trouble believeing that. Personally I think thats bull**** but we just need to wait and see. This is a new generation club and nothing like this has been seen before.
  • Hopefully Pune get longer contracts for the good young players, that way even if they leave the club they can get a transfer fee.
  • They are here to get the footballing basics right.

    1) good academy,
    2) good youth system
    3) good facilities.
    4) good playing style.

    i dont mind them not winning anything for another 5 years and then producing asia class players and the odd world class players in 10 years.
    then the fans will flock the stadium ..slowly thats what is happening with haokip,amrinder,nikhil kadam,salam ranjan singh,fanai...
    i personally feel very nice to see the youngsters play in startign 11 of I league ,rather tha n play in local leagues.

    PFC are very smart they will produce players in a bunch, keep a few of them and sell the rest to other big clubs for hefty sum...
    return guarenteed.

    but in the end ,it is helping indian football that many young players are getting the right exposure...

    we need more PFC's wo focus on youth development,than clubs who shell out huge sums on foreigner and do nothing for local lads

  • preetampreetam 870 Points
    PFC are very smart they will produce players in a bunch, keep a few of them and sell the rest to other big clubs for hefty sum...
    return guarenteed.

    but in the end ,it is helping indian football that many young players are getting the right exposure...

    yeah even if PFC cant retain players they will sell it...SESA did it earlier for some for dempo then why not PFC...other i-lig clubs know that player coming out of PFC acadmy will be gud...even if they pay 10-12 lakh..(1-1.2 million @arsenalfan700) they will get their return...i'm seeing a strong indian player set-up in coming 2-3 years...
  • shankarshankar 2600 Points
    @preetam try some dark colour man this light blue is pain to eyes for mobiile users llike me..
    btw ur point of no problem in selling is completely senseless for any club in india...
    every one are almost equal in financial status
  • rudrarudra 2958 Points
    I had mentioned about BFC circulating match programmes, didn't knew Pune doing the same. But is this free like BFC?

  • shankarshankar 2600 Points
    Last match when i went there was no such stuff...for Rs 200/- ticket so i guess it is their plan for future or may be ou have to pa extra to get it....

    will update on the same after next home fixture
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