Sunil Chhetri



  • JoyptanJoyptan 295 Points

    Gourmangi shouldn't even be in the NT with Arnab Mondal around.

  • rudrarudra 2958 Points

    @preetam how u know about their class...they have performed well for 1-2 seasons only..maybe that was the temporary form

  • preetampreetam 870 Points


    ha ha ha

    i'm not saying in abroad he will get 1 crore salary but yes he can make it as he is regular in club and national team both so when he got call from australia then why not from malaysia or singapore...there he can have realistic chance and ofcourse not at 1 crore salary
  • JoyptanJoyptan 295 Points

    Yes Gourmangi can be a sucsses or a superstar i an abroad league in Nepal or Bangladesh or Afganisthan or Pakistan or Sri Lanka.

  • preetampreetam 870 Points


    ha ha ha 
    u missed one maldives....
    there ali asfaq vs mangi   will be gud competition
  • Sunil Chhetri would never make it in Australia. The A-League is not as good as MLS but it is up there. If Sunil could barely get a game in MLS then how can he get a game in Australia.

    Thailand, why? How would that benefit Indian football. He would not make it at the top Thai clubs and would settle for a mid-table club. How is that different from Churchill Brothers where he would play almost every game and would actually score goals.

    Right now our top Indian scorer has 7 goals after 20 rounds. Chhetri as the main striker for Prayag United in the 2010-11 season scored 7 goals in 7 games. At Churchill Brothers he will probably be used as one of the main guys alongside Henry so expect goals from him.

    We need an Indian in the I-League to score goals so to inspire kids. Chhetri fits that bill perfectly. Forget going abroad, he is done. Could not find it in MLS and he could not find it in the 2nd Division of Portugal.

    Unless he really wants to play for a mid-table Thai club then why move. He is better off playing for one of the top Indian sides where he will have chances as a striker.
  • As for the rest. @rudra is 100% right.

    Subrata was not even signed by a 4th tier German club. And I am surprised you missed that rumor about him going to Arsenal. Ya, not rumors are to be believed.

    Gouramangi cant even play in I-League... how would he do abroad. 

    Jeje... let him find his 2010-11 form again and then we will talk.
  • preetampreetam 870 Points


     subrata was not signed bcoz they already have GK but he impressed in trail and they called him again in june/july if he performs well then he will make it

    and as for sunil chhetri i don't see any point why he wil not join thai mid-table club ...and it will benefit indian football if NT players play in abroad 
    and as i said if he performs well in AFC cup 13 then SCP can give him start if not then he can request loan for Pertuguese mid-table club...gettin in top club is not important playing time is important.....if he plays for partuguese club and if it get relegated i don't mind ,for us his performance matter...playing enough in competative league will do lot of gud....
  • Shah476Shah476 240 Points

    As far as i remember it was red bull who did trial..mainly because PR reasons..if not then do let me know otherwise..

    The trials at rangers were again profile building tactics which then worked for sunil..

    Aim the scandnavian or central euro leagues to build profile..look at ali al habsi...

  • Shah476Shah476 240 Points

    As kid has said b4 getting trials isnt an issue for agents wen u say indisn market but making them count is diff thing..

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