death of bengal clubs? challenge to goan clubs?

DXDX 4074 Points
edited October 2013 in I-League 2013-14

saw all recent matches of bengal clubs and see the massive difference in gameplay superiority of goan clubs to bengal clubs. so thought instead of discussing news that happen why not engage in some healthy discusion from a indian fan point if view.

its been sometime coming to this but all recent history glory pointed to goan clubs. Bengal clubs with the exception of maybe East bengal have struggled at the national stage.

what is it that clubs from bengal which have money, massive fan following & rich history are struggling over the last 5-7 years to set things right?

is it the lack of gameplay where goa play the european style of play while bengal is still stuck with direct passing? or is it poor management from coaching all the way to over expectations by the top management? or is th average bengal fan being impatient and putting pressure on teams to perform?

second part of the topic is now that goan teams are the leaders in indian football, do u think new age teams like pune fc & BFC have enough abt them to challenge goan hegemony?

Discuss :)


  • ArsenalFan700ArsenalFan700 Reddit13655 Points
    "The European Style of Play"<div><br></div><div>Says it all.</div>
  • JoyptanJoyptan 295 Points
    Thread title is wrong.
  • namewtheldnamewtheld Kolkata5665 Points
    edited October 2013
    All the teams have nothing different between them. They are all in the same soup. Be it Goa or Bengal. With the exception of Bangalore and Pune, no one gives a dime in the name of professionalism. Some teams win and some lose. But noth Goa and Bengal clubs are utter loaers and they suck big time. It is heart wrenching to see the Goan clubs winning the trophy a d celebrating in front of 101 fans. Nothing tells you a better story of Indian football than that. It would be equally pathetic to see Bengal teams win as their fans would be complacent with what they are and the management would be happy to live another day beating their chest. It all needs to change big time. Until then, the Goa vs Bengal debate van be somebody's favourite pastime, not mine. I find it meaningless
  • ArsenalFan700ArsenalFan700 Reddit13655 Points
    namewtheld wrote: »
    All the teams have nothing different between them. They are all in the same soup. Be it Goa or Bengal. With the exception of Bangalore and Line, no one gives a dime in the name of professionalism. Some teams win and some lose. But noth Goa and Bengal clubs are utter loaers and they suck big time. It is heart wrenching to see the Goan clubs winning the trophy a d celebrating in front of 101 fans. Nothing tells you a better story of Indian football than that. It would be equally pathetic to see Bengal teams win as their fans would be complacent with what they are and the management would be happy to live another day beating their chest. It all needs to change big time. Until then, the Goa vs Bengal debate van be somebody's favourite pastime, not mine. I find it meaningless

    <br><div><br></div><div>Those 2 likes on the first post should have really gone to you... excellent post!</div>
  • DXDX 4074 Points
    edited October 2013
    namewtheld wrote: »
    All the teams have nothing different between them. They are all in the same soup. Be it Goa or Bengal. With the exception of Bangalore and Pune, no one gives a dime in the name of professionalism. Some teams win and some lose. But noth Goa and Bengal clubs are utter loaers and they suck big time. It is heart wrenching to see the Goan clubs winning the trophy a d celebrating in front of 101 fans. Nothing tells you a better story of Indian football than that. It would be equally pathetic to see Bengal teams win as their fans would be complacent with what they are and the management would be happy to live another day beating their chest. It all needs to change big time. Until then, the Goa vs Bengal debate van be somebody's favourite pastime, not mine. I find it meaningless

    <br><div><br></div><div>I can point out quite a few inaccuracies in your posts there. There is a reason why i put up this thread in the first place rather than just time pass</div><div><br></div><div>- I-league has never been won by a bengal club. Of course you will need to compare where it went all wrong as they dominated indian football for decades before the turn of the millenium.</div><div>- Are you saying Bengal fans will be complacent & happy with the way the club if they win the I-League! Dont be naive mate they havent won the league in 6 years, Expectations will soar even further after they win the league.</div><div><span style="font-size: 10pt;">- The Final match of churchill brothers Vs Mohun bagan was attended by quite a few spectators, You must be kidding to say only a 101 fans turned up for churchill picking up the cup.</span></div><div><span style="font-size: 10pt;">- The entire point of the discussion is the onfield and management performance and not about the number of fans visiting the stadium. If it is then do you know how many active fans are there for some of the middle east clubs who perform better than the rest of Asia? </span></div><div><span style="font-size: 10pt;">-  I know for a fact that AIFF club licensing has been taken seriously by all clubs including the dempo's, bagan's & EB, It will get better in terms of professionlism going forward when you have Pune.BFC & couple of other clubs which will join next season to kick the old clubs in the ass to set things right.</span></div>
  • DXDX 4074 Points
    Joyptan wrote: »
    Thread title is wrong.

    <br><div><br></div><div>Ok should have been Death to Bengal hegemony & possible Challenge to Goan supremacy. Happy?</div> :)
  • JoyptanJoyptan 295 Points
    edited October 2013
    Dont know if happy or not but one thing is for sure that I have nothing to say about this because I'm not a 'Bengal Club' fan I'm an East Bengal fan. I only care about what East Bengal is doing , what East Bengal did and what East Bengal will do.
  • one major point is freqeunt changes of coach .
    KEb succedeed largely due to trevor morgan staying for 3 years or more.
    dempo had armando for a decade ,and look what they achieved.
    Even PFC had derrick for 4 years,and they took indian football by storm.
    mohun bagan had on an average 2 coaches ofa a year.(12 all in 7 years)
    east bengal had 5 in 7 years.
    one has to stuck to a player,to a coach for long and allow the coach to develop a style of play.

    goan clubs have managed to out up a style of play dempo has thier own style.salgacokar ,sporting all have.. what does mohun bagan,East bengal and MD sporting have to offer ( their players havent developed a particular style of play due to frequent changes in coaches.)
    negal clubs need to be patient,choose the rightmanager,right players, dont shell out doles of money on cheap players. instead bring on uong players from your own system.
    otherwise the day wont be long when th ebengal clubs wil finis h in last 3 spots and they would be overaken by all the clubs.
  • Also i personally feel ,mohun bagan ,md sporting play in a very direct outdated formations .watching MMB,KEB,MD sporting gives me a feel tht i am still watching NFL. in 1997.

    all the defenders just lob the ball forward, huge forwards tap the ball ,forwards distribute the ball to midfielders, midfielders give it o the wingers,wingers cross and again the huge forward try to freak out the defenders and score a goal..
    just have a look at nikhil kadan,thongkosiem haokip and mumtaz akhtar with douhou play for PFC.
    its a treat to watch
  • munna219777munna219777 28541 Points
    harry191 wrote: »
    Also i personally feel ,mohun bagan ,md sporting play in a very direct outdated formations .watching MMB,KEB,MD sporting gives me a feel tht i am still watching NFL. in 1997.

    all the defenders just lob the ball forward, huge forwards tap the ball ,forwards distribute the ball to midfielders, midfielders give it o the wingers,wingers cross and again the huge forward try to freak out the defenders and score a goal..
    just have a look at nikhil kadan,thongkosiem haokip and mumtaz akhtar with douhou play for PFC.
    its a treat to watch

    <br><br>I always see Pune FC with huge foreigner. Earlier it was Moga, now its Fabiani. How many tournaments/trophy Pune FC has won in last 5 years? Any???<br>
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