FIFA U17 World Cup 2017 in India



  • ArsenalFan700ArsenalFan700 Reddit13655 Points
    In terms of footballing terms, probably not much initially but potentially over the long run it can really benefit Indian football.
  • DXDX 4074 Points
    Realist? Get real youself mate, India has no chance to play in the WC unless we actually get inside the backdoor, Hosting it is probably the only way you can play in it.

    More importantly we create history, Infrastructure, Awareness across the country.
    Thats being realist. Where is the utopian view in that? Am struggling to understand.

    Exposure trips plus training for this group is the best since the U-17 team was formed. This wouldnt be possible if we werent part of the world cup itself. Results are showing slowly. First time we are qualifying to AFC championship since 2012.

    Ps : As per your logic If CFC has its office then we are equal in terms of infrastructure development with a decades old club? 
  • souravindiasouravindia 3763 Points

    the current set of boys are getting the maximum exposure and that everyone agrees and probably "some" of them might go all the way to be a "good" player at the senior level.

    But in a country like India nothing is guaranteed or warranted. By now a proper league structure at the youth level (U-17, U-19) at least should have been formed (and not mere show runners), in order to harvest the benefits of World Cup being given to India,

    I am sorry but I need to be a pessimist here, considering I do not see much change even now at resurrecting /correcting any of the youth system in India, so that the momentum that we gain , we are able to sustain.

    I am sorry to say, but a realist will always say, the initial euphoria is going to be lost once the main event is over, and (God knows whats going to happen to the kids that will be representing Indian at the world cup- I hope they get good clubs where they can further their skills)...

    & I am sure PP for everyone's eye wash would say- "india is trying to bid for the U-19 world cups, the next big stage for India.' and fu***ing continue the way its being run now.

    It's difficult for any set of boys preparing in India to get good competitive games, because the strcture itself isn't there, and thing is we could have set or corrected a lot of things considering this world cup-- but do we really have the will to do so..

    A place where only dancing singing and Bollywood rules in the minds of people, its difficult to put up a proper structure for any sport to prosper.

  • DXDX 4074 Points
    People still not getting the point what I posted unless they are wired to dislike my posts in the assumption that am a IMG loyalist, The optimism I have is not stemmed from the fact PP or the IMG gang are doing something great for the country, But rather the exposure that these kids are getting. 

    The exposure that these kids get can help foriegn clubs or agents to notice them early, The Scouting network from developed leagues are so massive that they start well ahead and literally create bio data on every young player playing a major competition.

    The U-17 WC is one of the world most scouted competitions, Our current Kids have the best chance ever to get noticed domestically and internationally.

    You wouldnt get that if you arent playing the WC.
  • reddevil87reddevil87 1858 Points
    Its not about one time exposure but about continuous development and about a continuous pipeline of future footballer. This WC is one time development. But what after that? What about the next batch of youngster? How are they going to develop?

    Moreover, you cant keep organizing WC or AFC championship year after year. People want consistent participation in World cup and AFC championship year after year. Then only actually football in India will improve.
  • souravindiasouravindia 3763 Points
    @dx i certainly agree with you about the aspect you mentioned but as reddevil87 rightly said what isbimportant is continuous development and which should have been put into place considering the statusvof tournament which we hav3 been given. But unless put in place n9things goinh to advance thereafter and thats where we shall fail and that i am pretty certain. Any other country would have done a lot more apart from organising thisbgreat event. And rest assured india's not gong to continuously get these fr3e gifts from fifa
  • nikhilnikhil blru548 Points
    The entire purpose of U17 cup is to create an environment and structure to ensure that the country is to able to qualify on merit thereafter. But our AIFF babus have somehow this notion that if they concentrate on only this batch and keeping on bidding on the championship everything would be fine.This is not the way it works for a nation that genuinely wants to improve.
    As for the scouts they are here mainly for the top teams. If our lads don't even get past the group stage, then this hardly matter at all.      
  • reddevil87reddevil87 1858 Points
    A good initiative, but too late.

    Moreover, it is not guaranteed that the good foreign based players will turn upto to Indian NT at senior level at later stage. Players can change nationality and play for other teams a senior level.
  • samiamsamiam 1614 Points
    India 1-0 luxenberg
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