Suggestions for Indian Football



  • preetampreetam 870 Points
  • munna219777munna219777 28514 Points
    edited May 2014
    The proposals for League One India can be implemented in I-League also. besides this idea that 50% of the salary will be paid by Club and 50% by League is impossible. A player and his agent will not run after two entities while they can say-not my problem. A club wants to hire expensive player-league will say No! It is not in our budget as we have to fork out 50%.
  • Deb_BanDeb_Ban 9976 Points
    League One of India is a fantastic name. I often wondered for an alternative name in case we wanted a superior league -- and this is the name.

    I, however, would not like a 18-20 team league; l would prefeer to start with a 8 team league and gradually expand to a 16 team affair, the way every other senssible league operates. Never a 20 team affair, in which case the bottom most teams lose the connection to the top and the weaker teams will get busy to avoid relegation (if there is any pro-rel syztem), thereby reducing the attraction of the league as a whole.

    Now, relegation: @arsenalfan has elaborated in numerous threads and on numerous occasions, so no need to reinvent the wheel. Suffice to say that I am against it for LOI in the first 5-8 years.

    Also, LOI to be a seperate entity. Rope in a TV partner on day one. Share the TV revenue. Marquee players -- I don't know ...
  • ArsenalFan700ArsenalFan700 Reddit13655 Points
    @Preetam the decrease in viewship started last season, not this season though. Everyone knows that cricket is having to work harder to attract the younger generation.

    As for your Bengaluru FC theory... I don't think so. These things need money and hope of a safe return in investment... will that happen in I-League?

    @Cybertron That will never happen. Do I need to explain why?

    @munna219777 Ahh, do I have to use MLS as an example again? Okay. If they can do it and get away with it then I am sure it can work here to. However, I will admit, reading it again it does look silly and can be got rid of straight away.

    @Deb_Ban Thank you, that is literally the only reason I made the post. The rest just came to my mind at that second. League One India is a badass name and so much eye-catching than I-League. I-League is bland and basically a copy of the norm in Asia. Lets be unique! No Premier League, no Super League, no Letter-League... League One India!

    Anyway, I did say at first we should start with 8-10 teams with each team being selected based on a criteria which is harder than the current AFC criteria. Eventually I would want to see a 24 team League One India with a 20 team League Two India. I was thinking of a League Three India as well but na.

    And ya, that is the point. To create a breath of fresh air, look at the mistakes made with the I-League and look towards mending them for the new league. Have the league be a separate entity this time. Have revenue sharing. Marquee players. These are things where the I-League failed at but even though it is still possible for the I-League to do this it won't happen for years to come... why not just simply get this done within 2-3 years?

    Football is a growing sport in India. The vast majority of the population is under 30 years old. The sporting marketing is wide open. The IPL is only a 2-3 month event and cricket is slowly facing competiton. We need to dream big now, look at how the EPL and European football has captured the imagination of every junior Indian in the country and take advantage of that. Look at the growing market that is Asia.

    If Indian football does not capture the hearts of India by 2020-2022 then it will never do so. Action is needed now! We have the most potential out of all the sports. Cricket can only go down from here. Hockey is limited due to being mainly an international sport and not a league one. Basketball, American Football, and Rugby are rising but are not nearly as popular as football.
  • ArsenalFan700ArsenalFan700 Reddit13655 Points
    I know your joking but let me ask.... do you actually like the name I-League? Is it eye grabbing? Does that name even excite you at all? Come on. Even when I look at leagues like the J. League and A-League I think of how bland these names are. Also, look at the history of this league, completly failing to do what it was created to do and at this moment the likelyhood of it changing is very small so why not a re-start and re-brand.

    League One India is unique. No other top tier league uses a name like this and it is kinda "catchy" unlike the I-League. Pro League of India or Indian Pro League sound semi-professional to me.

    And again, once pro/rel is in the picture you can make it work with League One India and then League Two India.
  • preetampreetam 870 Points
    League one india sounds like 2nd tier or 3rd tier league if u see england eg.
  • ArsenalFan700ArsenalFan700 Reddit13655 Points
    As if England should be the barometer for all of world football.
  • goalkeepargoalkeepar Turkish occupied Cyprus29308 Points
    Yes england or china is birth place of football
  • preetampreetam 870 Points
    if u ask anyone abt best and entairtaining league first thing comes in mind is EPL thats y i relate it to EPL.....same as cricket for india and IPL...
  • Deb_BanDeb_Ban 9976 Points
    League Three? Sorry, I don't think we have that deep a pocket to support till the third all-India level. There won't be sponsors (particularly, if all the levels run simultaneously). In a multi-tier Indian league, the lowest level will HAVE to be the regional/ zonal leagues: North, South, East and West (may also add North-East). Below it shall be the state leagues.

    Also, how the marquee player rule be applicable to League Two? Financially, a Marquee player in L2 will be equivalent to an usual foreigner in L1. This may lead to confusion. In any case, I do not support the idea of marquee player at all. The salary difference will affect the team spirit. Football is a team game, after all. One player cannot be so special to get that different a salary. Quality wise also, the difference will not be that huge to attract that much more.
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