AFC News



  • munna219777munna219777 28557 Points
    Central Asian clubs are rising in Football. Earlier we used to hear only about Uzbekistan. Kazakhstan club F C Astana qualified for this year UEFA Champions League. Tajikistan club Istiklol has reached Semi-Finals in 2015 AFC Cup.
  • deepakcdeepakc Mumbai 3416 Points
    But does anyone have an #ISL? We have the 4th best league in the world (match attendance)... If we send ISL teams to these stupid tournaments we can win AFC champions league.....we should all say thank you to the #IMG for showing Indian football (&#aiff) the true and righteous path
  • samsam 16679 Points
    Bro AFC won't allow six foreigners in a single team
  • gaffertapegaffertape 13032 Points
    @deepakc are you that naive to think a team with 5 Indians and 6 retired / semi retired players can beat Champions League teams like Guangazhou...let alone the Japanese or Korean teams...

    Asamoah Gyan is on £227K/week in China.... they can easily outspend the ISL...and that too for season long deals...not 4 month contracts...

    Emerging players like Nadong Bhutia , Subhas Singh , Abhishek Das or Boithang Haokip types would be swatted like flies by the non foreign players on these teams...! !
    Let alone the stars like Nabi , Robin , Wadoo etc

    I hope you were just being sarcastic.....
  • deepakcdeepakc Mumbai 3416 Points
    I was just reflecting the popular opinion on the forum and the widespread belief that we will become world champions if ileague is closed down (it is a nuisance in the domestic calendar) and ISL expanded to 5-6 months. Many of the members somehow don't realize that #ISL was never designed to achieve sporting excellence. It is designed to lure people from cities pay exorbitant amounts to watch a game of football.

    Any development of players, infra etc that happens along the way is purely incidental. #AIFF has essentially destroyed the domestic calender instead of syncing it to FIFA calendar as our NT coach SC sensibly suggested. # IMG is not going to save Indian football till #AIFF has the balls to stand up to it and say that 700 crores doesn't buy you Indian football. If they can modify #ISL to FIFA/AFC club licencing rules (so that India can 1 National league which we all can be proud of) and the international calendar by 2015 then they are welcome, otherwise they can take their sorry white ass elsewhere.

    We are perfectly capable of ruining the domestic football ourselves, without their help.
  • archakarchak 2082 Points
    @deepakc popular opinion(you had posted previously also)? :-/
  • rudrarudra 2958 Points
    @deepakc I don't see how this is the popular opinion in this forum even among those who support ISL
  • BabertoBaberto 633 Points
    Now I am sure. The only thing he cares about is likes.
  • dhalidhali Kolkata58 Points
    AFC Cup 2015 QF AL-Kuwait SC 6-0 Kitchee(1st Leg). 
    Rosario Coutinho(who destroyed East Bengal's AFC Cup Final hope in 2013) scored-2 goals.

    This Kitchee Team defeated East Bengal very easily in Group stage match. I can't see any good football in future. 
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