Youth Football in India (News Thread)



  • G_KG_K Kerala5182 Points
    This is fourth successive qualification to the final tournament at U16 level. Look at all those batches now. These kids were at once competitive with Asian giants, but they never developed after that mainly because they stop playing after it. The only game time they receive if any is to run out the clock. This same team when it reaches U20 level cannot defeat the same teams it beat before, much worse in U23 level. Another thing is that this pool of players is never expanded. Look at the U17 World Cup squad. Not many players came up in that age group other than those in that squad after the WC. Clubs are not contributing players to the pool, mainly due to lack of proper youth leagues. For a one month league, clubs usually assemble a squad at short notice.
  • ashindiaashindia 9548 Points
    If we want to improve our game we need to start from grass roots. Our midfield is absolutely poor at all levels. We need players in middle of the pitch who are good with ball, can control the game and make smart decisions under different situations. 

    We have just one plan and that is play through wings using pace and once it is closed down there is no plan B

    Uzbekistan is a very good team, I once spoke to Uzbek fan years ago and their secret is simple- They have uniform coaching starting from schools where players are groomed and scouted. 

    Also players are very skinny and short. If we are aspiring to qualify for WC we need to groom players atleast in few required positions with this attributes
  • mohammed_87hassanmohammed_87hassan Sumeet Passin FC Jupiter10492 Points
    Japan has 250k kids playing competitive football every year between age of 12 and 16, they play atleast 40 games a year. This does not include kids playing the game casually or at school level. 

    We do not have such structure sadly. And our youth football is plagued by age frauds and AIFF is complicit with age frauds rather than acting against them. We will never improve in football 
  • RonnyRonny 10575 Points
    Next up 2 away friendlies against Qatar U17 in Feb..4 weeks to prepare.
  • Many of the players really do not look u17. Our winger Koro , do you guys really think he is u17? 
    deepak dedhaashindiamohammed_87hassan
  • RonnyRonny 10575 Points
    Well even if you think they look older, they still looked younger and smaller compared to the Uzbek players
  • NagendraNagendra Rajahmundry, A.P6833 Points
    Guys don't attribute everyone as a age fraud

    My 15 year old cousin brother looks like a 18 year old. He is not even strong built.

    My nephew 6 feet 3 inches and aged 19 looks a lot younger than his friends.

    In countries like India,  it's tough to eliminate age fraud completely. AIFF should ban respective state association/clubs if they encourage age frauds. 
    giridharanindian_goonerRonnysouravindiadeepak dedhaPassikartik91
  • ashindiaashindia 9548 Points
    Difficult to point who is old and age fudging but I will 200% not believe if you told me there is no age fraud in India U17 or almost every freaking team in useless U-17 Youth cup that’s being played currently.
  • Its not about built, its about face.
  • RonnyRonny 10575 Points
    NE boys look like that ..rough faces most of the time..Look at Amarjit.. Players going into an AFC finals are bone density tested for age fraud. No chance that anybody in this group is overage. The U-17 Youth cup might have several Gaurav Mukhi's in it though
    deepak dedhaindian_goonergiridharan
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