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  • ArsenalFan700ArsenalFan700 Reddit13655 Points
    @Archak Jindals were held back for a year or two but regardless always had it there for them... the other places don't provide that and if Transstadia need a team in order to actually make a stadium then that brings more questions up... like if they are still trying to make a Wembley like stadium like before then how long will that take? Will they scale back? Where will they make it? Will they get all the documentations and all that done? It is not as simple as "I want a stadium, I have money, here is ground, I like ground, I make stadium." If anything, they can get the acceptance and wait till maybe 2015-16 or 2016-17 to get into the I-League instead of this next season.

    Fernandes's investment will most likely just benefit himself and not us... its like Stan Kronke and how he owns the Colorado Rapids and Arsenal... Arsenal is the main priority while the Rapids can take the backseat. Of course this one has the biggest chance of being successful and I would be okay with Chennai I am still very skepticle about how it will be done, esspeically with the stadium situation and unknown fan support.

    As for the I-League pool... I disagree. We don't have the talent for a 14 team league or a 16 team league... maybe a 8-10 team league but the guys who play for teams 11-14-16 are 2nd Division in a 1st Division. And this will also become a problem once things like revenue sharing actually start in the league.

    @Preetam So its a win-win for the company, not the game? Ahhhha, see. Perhaps we can get something out of Chennai but I am doubting this will be as big as we think it will be.

    Overall, we got rid of United (and/or Mumbai) and bought in a Chennai team then I would be okay... it is really the others I have a massive beef with, Chennai is just the owners and stadium situation.
  • preetampreetam 870 Points
    not enough talent pool???? arrows players are still clubless and then most of i-lig club like EB and MB are having bench strength...i know they are not gud for starting 11 for those club but they are gud for small clubs...and then the foreign slot earlier it was 3 foreigner meand 14* 3=42 and now 13*4=52  means 10 spot is loosed by indian player...means u get already got 10 players who can start in match for new club to add that arrows jobless player + 4 fpreign player se it already got to 20 a squad for 1 team is waiting...
  • preetampreetam 870 Points
    kerala can be a better place to have a team than chennai but it all depends on new owner...
  • preetampreetam 870 Points

    if you do intropection and a bit of research you will find 14-1 indian players who can start for new club....
  • rudrarudra 2958 Points
    most prominent arrows players are not really jobless
  • ArsenalFan700ArsenalFan700 Reddit13655 Points
    Pailan Arrows are a disasster... there is a reason why the guys who played for them and not playing now ARE not playing now. Even Papas did not pick them. Only this season it has looked like the talent pool is around the same between 1st and 13th but that is because of a mixture of good organization at the top end of the table, IMG-Reliance players being available on loan and scattering to different clubs, and horrible organization at the bottom.

    But take all that out for a minute and imagine we had a proper season. Rangdajied United, they were never good enough for the I-League. All there players are not good enough except for maybe 2-3 of them (Indians only). What about the United Sikkim, the HALs, the older ONGCs, Vasco, Mohammedan etc. All these teams were in the league with guys who should never have been in the I-League at all.

    The point is that on a normal season we have to much disparity between the top teams and the small teams. We need more parity otherwise fans will not take interest in their clubs when they are having a stinker. That can be done with better youth development all around, better league/tournament/youth structures, and a limited amount of teams.
  • archakarchak 2082 Points
    The talent pool is good enough the problems are that there is no proper scouting network and player agents. This was recently highlighted in a hardtackle article i think by @Ashlesh if one properly scouts the CFL and Goa pro league then there are talent ready for ileague
  • sunnysunny 207 Points
    I hope tata win the bid and play with young player
  • ArsenalFan700ArsenalFan700 Reddit13655 Points
    Then someone find it, as of this moment no one is finding it and now next season we are going to deal with a season of Royal Wahingdoh and there players who most likely won't show much at all.
  • samiamsamiam 1614 Points
    all usa players are much better than indian players so m sure if we fall short of players arsenalkid700 can play for indian clubs .come on dude ur skills will be better than those I LEAGUE div2 clubs :D LOL
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